The person below me... Part 3 or 4 I don't really remember anymore

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on tauren? true! irl? false

the person below me really dislikes dissecting words down to there greek roots
Not sure why you would even want to do that? Must be a new thing....

The person below me buys power tools for her husband so she has new toys to play with.
false i dont have a husband and never plan to (well i plan on being one :D!

and im doing it for biology

the person below thinks the orb of deception things r fun
Meh. They can be but only when you see a gnome turn into a tauren.

The person below me has an orb of deception in game.
false, I worry he may barbecue and serve me nekkid mole rats....

the person below me has seen what icthus cooks at his barbecues
False, it's not December 24th yet.

The person below me secretly plays their child's video games, such as Shrek The Third and Ratatouille.
True. I just hope he never finds a funny picture of me. =P

The person below me has been featured in one of those polls.
False, my pisture is here.

The person below me like to make funny faces in the mirror and talk to themselves.
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