The person below me.... Part 2

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false? Necromancer and cleric? EQ? I used to play a necromancer on EQ, very fun:)

The person below me played EQ too
True. I played EQ for a few days and got bored...moved on to Dark Age of Camelot and the much funner Necromancer and Clerics.

The person below me will go up to where I want to be when I get there. (Wow, that's confusing).
False. He's always on WoW....even when he's "working" so he probably got bored today.

The person below me has today off.
False. (And I'm wondering why Icthus put False to my last "below me"...the place mentioned is Heaven).

The person below me got my previous post before this post was posted.
Canadian Cheese---- True

The person below me is celebrating their 16th wedding anniversary tonight by taking their spouse for Steak!
Nope, but on the 16th I will be celebrating my 17th one!

The person below me has been married longer than 17 years.
False. I still beleive all sports should be played outside.

The person below me is worried about the fate of Mirakle, hence forth to be called Hobbitzitz.
True. Maybe he's playing Lord of the Rings because it's a girls game, and he wants to bond with the twins.

The person below me likes blue mint gum better than green mint gum.
False. The sweet and sour gum (forget the brand) is the best!

The person below me thinks that if you play LOTR too much, you'll get furry Hobbitzitz feet.
True! My dad has a telescope that is almost as tall as me!

The person below me likes the drinks with the huge jelly pearls in it... (The ones with the big straws)
um false? ive never heard of those. i remember a drink with these cool little floaty things in them and those were good!

the person below me is sad that galatians is going to half time WOW playing....
True, but my laptop may run cooler now. Spam Me Not (my spam filter) was working harder than the designers had ever anticipated, which heavily taxed my processor.

The person below me has asked me to give them gold or primal mights...
False, but could I get some gold or primal mights from ya? :P

The person below me will give me gold or primal mights:P
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