The person below me.... Part 2

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False. I still haven't googled said name so.....

The person below will tell us who Gary Larson is, even if they have to Google it.
True, and I don't have to google it. Gary Larson is the creator of the Far Side Comics. :)

The person below me has piloted the Space Shuttle.

It was pretty fun, although when the Plutonians attacked and we had to flee back to the safety of Mars it got a wee bit hairy.

True or False:

Seriously, you just can't wait till the draft on Saturday!!!!!!!!!!
True... i did laugh out loud, but was in my office and rolling on the floor would have been bad....

The person below me went to the creators website and saw more funny videos.
Fritz killed the thred /cry

False :p

"The person below me went to the creators website and saw more funny videos."

False, I did that once in regards to some other video and discovered that there were other videos featuring people who forgot to put enough clothes on so I stay away from blind links as much as I can.

True or False:

You actually miss running MC, ZQ, or AQ..............bonus question deep down you want to do just one more Jailbreak run :D
True I miss running MC especially, it was fun to get together every friday night. True to your last one too, I cant wait for the draft on saturday!! hehe Not looking forward to jailbreak again on my new character though:P hard to find groups for it anymore hehe

The person below me knows what draft we are referring to
True, I follow college football, however the pro's is Meh....

The person below me has seen the Texas-USC Rose Bowl for the National Championship 4 times.
False - only 3. I did burn it to DVD, though, so I might just have to ninja loot my /viewed numbers. =)

The person below me has been to more than 30 college football games in person.
False. College football is meh in Canada. Never been to even one.

The person below me wonders if Climate Change is truely the monster it is made out to be.
True-ish. You capitalized the 'c' in both words so it made me think if I was thinking the same thing as you....but yea...fluctuating weather is what got me sick.

The person below me is excited for the next college football season to start even if it's several months away.
False. No question in my mind about the topic. It astounds me that the same people who stand firm on 'science' when it supports their anti-faith diatribes completely ignore the overwhelming preponderance of scientific evidence when it is suddenly inconvenient to their political ends.

The person below me wants to get this thread back to dealing with trivialities.

edit: D'oh! Pwned by Meli.

OK, we'll go with her question...

"The person below me is excited for the next college football season to start even if it's several months away."
Absolutely true, I listen to / watch every Nittany Lions game I can, although my listening is now over the internet since my move :(

True or false:

You hate the Yankees, hate the Red Sox, and pretty much hate the entire AL due to those two teams.

Again I don't follow major league baseball.

The person below me thought that Criminal Mind by Gowan was a totally cool song when it came out (trivial enough)
china is a thing..and I own some...China is a place and I have yet to be there.

The person below me has been to China.
False. Although I do want to go there for at least a month with my mom and grandma so they can see all their old friends and family and still have some time left over to go to tourist places in Beijing, Hong Kong, maybe Taiwan, and just have fun...and eat a lot...and shop a lot! =D

The person below me is an avid Disney fan.
true, I've been watching them every night on my X-Box in my room for the last week, and Aladdin has to be the BEST movie/cartoon i have EVER seen.

The person below me has seen Peter Pan more than 50 times...
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