The person below me.... Part 2

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Natasha is the bad girl, partner in crime with Boris, in Rocky and Bullwinkle. Sheesh, now take those hands off your hips and relax.

The person below has had to use the backup chute becasue their main didn't work while skydiving.
I have a pig for a dog, does that a count?

Confusing, I know..

The person below me will get to see a guild member from out of town this week!
False for the first time in months no one is coming to visit me. However, there is a rumor that two canadians are considering heading south for a few weeks in May-ish.

The person below me has always wanted to live on a white sand beach.
I did, sort of. I lived less than 20 minutes from Clearwater Beach, FL. It has some of the whitest sand I've ever seen.

The person below me likes filled donuts more than plain ones.
False, I like plain chocolate frosted donuts

The person below me wants to go visit icthus and hang out on the beach
Tralse. Depending on my mood, I actually like cleaning up and keeping my room/home clean.

The person below me has participated in 30 Hour Famine before.
False...while the idea behind it is nice, the money is collected by the organization that spends almost triple every other relief agency on running and promoting and a smaller portion of what you raise actually goes to its intended purpose.

The person below me has a sponsored child(ren) in another country.
Truish depends on my mood at the time, I like watermelon flavored Jolly Ranchers.

The person below me remembers when the Pontiac GTO was called a Goat and so one could have had a goat in their garage

that is SO totally awesome that someone actually knew what I was talking about on here!!! My dad had to sell it when I was very young :(
True. It's just the right thing to do.

The person below me is excited that it's finally warm enough to wear shorts/skirts/capris/summer clothes. =D
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