Playing Female Characters

what does *dies to lack of food* have to do with playing femal characters??? (please don't say "read the last 67 pages) and why do threads get off topic so much? (please don't say read the last 67 pages)
Read the last 16 pages! (There's only 16 from my viewpoint because my profile is set to have more posts per page.) :)

Wow... *is shocked* Dorkelf doesn't really exist?
That avatar did look kinda unrealistic...
i personally have an even balance of male/female characters...10 totla, though no paragon..and no pvp chars..i like pve too much...and the humor of being called "stupid human interloper" by Yorrt Strongjaw
I automatically think a player is the same gender as their toon. Unless it is a girl running around in her underwear. Those I know are boys.

Kel Queen of all Europe


MM if you need any minion support to put down uprisings let me know.

Any female toon running around in her underwear is a guy

If she's dancing in her underwear, he's probably fourteen or younger...
How dare they put such things in Guild Wars... don't they have any sense of respectability... of decency... of parents that would never in a million years let their kids play it because of that...

In other news, NCSoft only allows you to buy Guild Wars online with a credit card! *mumbles about stupid jerks under his breath*
Hey, Dredd has two regular male characters and may or may not play males in PvP, as the mood strikes!

I've actually seen it. :)
I think that female characters on GW are a little provocative (except for dervish, since they're fully clothed other than their faces and hands and have a low profile dance)

ESPECIALLY elementalists.
And I agree with Dea that any female character running around naked saying loony stuff is likely a young immature boy.

ele girls dancing naked = bad bad bad bad bad
they're like stripdancing witches attempting to cast a spell on you...
if you see one, leave.
yeah...i think it's more of speculation because it's probable that there isnt a single female charr you fight...or maybe they're like some animals where you cant really tell a difference...oo;