Playing Female Characters

I see. So, you're saying women don't game? Or can't game?

I feel quite insulted.

*waits for the fun to start*

No, no, no there are plenty of women gamers, just no PRETTY women gamers :D JK (don't hurt the Gerbil please, stay back, back I say, don't point that weapon at me I have low hp, erk, ack, owie, XD.)

Seriously I am sure there are women who are both pretty and have mad skillz at video games (dodges bullet). I've played online with a couple (err who at least said they were women), but, there was never a reason to treat them any differently than the other players. I try to be courteous and helpful to everyone and I don't know of that many games that you can open a door for a toon with anyway :p That's why I just assume everyone is a guy, at least to begin with.
ouch. Its not beauty that counts, it is the personality of the person. A girl can be the hottest thing the world, but if she is a jerk you will want to be nowhere near her.

Also note that MM is married to dorkelf, he might take your post the wrong way and exact revenge :P
Saying women can't game is like saying women can't drive. I made a joke about women pilots yesterday at school. After the class I made that joke I ran into a parked truck and put a huge dent in my car. Apparently I got that one coming :(
Females are pretty good at games, you just gotta sit em down and get past their self doubt. After that they catch up really fast.
The actually reality is women who game are probably more attractive to guys (at least to the gaming guys). I would hope most guys want to spend time with their wife so any shared interest is a plus. It's pretty sad the portrayal of what marriage is in the popular media. It's like the whole concept of marriage has been reduced to a petty fight in sit-coms. In the old time shows like "I Love Lucy" they did fight, but, you got the sense they actually liked being together/doing things together.

Also note that MM is married to dorkelf, he might take your post the wrong way and exact revenge :P

I know. I am relying on the amenity of the internet (and the fact I've never actually seen what MM looks like). If that fails I'll have to change my name and move south of the border. Say hello to "EL Gerbil Poderoso!" :p

Saying women can't game is like saying women can't drive. I made a joke about women pilots yesterday at school. After the class I made that joke I ran into a parked truck and put a huge dent in my car. Apparently I got that one coming :(

Females are pretty good at games, you just gotta sit em down and get past their self doubt. After that they catch up really fast.

Just so everybody knows I never said women couldn't game nor was that my intent to infer. My point was about not treating people any different online based on their toon's gender. Whether it is male or female I always assume it is a guy until proven otherwise.

Btw the Gerbil loses to everyone equally boy or girl T_T
*laughs while Gerbil covers his tracks*
ouch. Its not beauty that counts, it is the personality of the person. A girl can be the hottest thing the world, but if she is a jerk you will want to be nowhere near her.

That is true, But it helps when you get girl that has beautiful aspect there is... so Yea but i actually don't know many female gamers... at all... my cousin is the only one i know personally...

But in game... i can usually tell the girls between the guys... the girls are a lot more friendly and they aren't usually as rude either, they address guys different to i find
In Second Life people tend to play the sex they are because the avatars generally represent themselves. In GW I am fine with playing females, but in SL it is a lot different. Of course I guess part of that is that you don't have newbs hitting you up in IM all the time :P
No, no, no there are plenty of women gamers, just no PRETTY women gamers :D JK (don't hurt the Gerbil please, stay back, back I say, don't point that weapon at me I have low hp, erk, ack, owie, XD.)
You're talking to the Queen of North America, my friend. You better be nice, or I'll sic my minions on you...
you'll [sic] your minions on him?

that's not nice....

That's right Baron Squirrel, us woodland creatures have to stick together and fight against animal cruelty. Rodents are after all the natural enemy to all women.

You're talking to the Queen of North America, my friend. You better be nice, or I'll sic my minions on you...

hmm would Dorkelf count as one of those minions? :p

hehe the Gerbil could not resist
I play female characters because i think the male characters (specificaly warriors) just have that bulky look and just dosen't seem right on my account and also it's sometimes of matter of armor to

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