Playing Female Characters

vibrokatana said:
Somehow I never gain weight, im still at 135 :(

I'm with ya there brother. Only you have about 15lbs on me :eek: . I'm only about 120 and I'm a year older than ya Vibro. It's not like I don't try, I just have an extremely fast metabolism/small stomach. I am always hungry and even when I'm full it only lasts maybe an hour or so. I've always been small. I'm a Junior in College and I'm 5'6" 120 lbs, not to mention I have a baby face, it really stinks. :mad:

Seriously, do you know what it's like being called shorty(or any other short joke) all your life?!?!?! I guess that's why I'm so introverted. :rolleyes:

Anyhoo back on topic, I don't play female characters unless I have to. But I almost made a female mesmer only because the male canthan mesmers looked extremely chubby/weird. That's what the mask is for I suppose :rolleyes: .
when i get factions soon, i'll probally make a female Rt, because i havent seen any male ones and they look weird. it also be a nice change
yeah, they're tiny.
I haven't been that weight since jr.high...

and my nickname in highschool was StringBean. what does that say?
I used to have a really slow matabolism when I was in the marching band, since I dropped out from band I have lost almost 15 pounds... I guess it was a stamina issue for weight, of course I am pretty active now, you cant keep me in one place for more then 30 minutes. I am notorious at work for scaring people because I will get up and take a small walk. I really like walking; if i am early for a event I will roam around...
vibrokatana said:
I used to have a really slow matabolism when I was in the marching band
What do you play? Since I consider Flag Corps, Drill Team, and Majorettes as unlikely options...

Can't really imagine you as the short skirt or leotard type, you know...
Since we now have two off topic threads now :D
3 of my kids are in the marching band and one is a captain of the flag core. Gabe plays the Sax mainly, but also has a trumpet, trombone, and guitar. Also plays the drums at church, the piano at Grandmas, and can play just about any woodwind or brass instrument. My oldest Daughter is Flags, my youngest daughter is clarinet and guitar. And my middle son is Coronet and trumpet.
It can get loud around here teamspeak on those nights;)
MaidMirawyn said:
What do you play?
I played the trumpet, i need to get it out and play a little...
MaidMirawyn said:
Can't really imagine you as the short skirt or leotard type, you know...
I dont mind tight fitting clothes, I usually wear the small shirt size, and can still fit in shirts from 6 years ago :P

The trick to loosing weight is to be happy and have a good posture. Many people stress out which releases certain hormones that cause us to store fat. thats why stressed people are often heavier. Those who have fun every once in awhile and handle the stress in their lives will generally not have a weight problem.
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Flag Corps, three years. (Baton for two years before that, but not with the school.) Even now, I twirl brooms, boffer weapons, walking sticks, whatever. It's a compulsion. :D

One great thing about Flag Corps was the reduced demand on my wardrobe during marching season. On Thursdays, we wore our flag corps shirts with jeans or a denim skirt; on Fridays, we wore uniforms. Which left only three days to have to pick outfits. (Of course, street clothes would probably have been cheaper... :rolleyes: )

Paul was in marching band when I was, one year behind me. He played clarinet (and plays again, now in our church orchestra). He was section leader in sophmore and junior years and Band Captain his senior year.
MaidMirawyn said:
Flag Corps, three years. (Baton for two years before that, but not with the school.) Even now, I twirl brooms, boffer weapons, walking sticks, whatever. It's a compulsion. :D

*At the site of MM walking out the door whistling....all the neighborhood cats take off running for their lives*
i have a friend who absolutely loves flag corp. seems like a really good organization.
you can march with a bass, its called wireless :P and the keyboard isnt too hard, you just cant use both hands, even the heavier "professional" keyboards can be held with one hand..

Anyway, I COULD use a keytar....


vibrokatana said:
hehe, my execise is pretty weird, right now i am asembling a nasty tredmeal by myself, it says to have 2-3 people, and I agree as I am typing with one hand...
tredmeal, eh? ive never heard of one of those, although a similar word, treadmill, is the name for an exercise machine i have... maybe there's a connection between the two?

I'm going to start marching band this year on the trumpet! Although this is my first high school year (technically it's sophomore, but here in my town we are K-6, 7-9, 10-12 from Elementary-Jr. High-Sr. High...) I'm already playing in a trio for the marching show (we are trying out for one of the parts this week, sometime, i think). I hope i make second (one of the seniors is obviously getting first, and the other is going to fight me for second...)

funny how playing girl characters turned into marchiing band and "tredmeals" by the time we got to the 40's...

on topic (this is a first on this page pretty much): the Dervish annoy me because I have to prance around in a huge dress carrying this monstrous scythe around... why can't i have a manly Dervish? grr.
then again i could use avatar of balthazar or w/e that spell is, but im not a good-at-melee type of person... so dervish aren't for me
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Amicus Dei of [FoG] said:
tredmeal, eh? ive never heard of one of those, although a similar word, treadmill, is the name for an exercise machine i have... maybe there's a connection between the two? -.o
you try typing with one hand and the other in pain...