Playing Female Characters

Windows XP: Women in Gaming
For years the stereotype of the hardcore computer gamer has persisted: young men, isolated, clicking away on their mice in dark basements and odiferous dorm rooms. However, as games have evolved, so have the players. The doors to the world of gaming have been torn down by a surprisingly diverse and unexpected group. Gaming, once thought to be the domain of men, has become a widely accepted social activity, attracting record numbers of women to the hobby.

When I signed on as the first ever Cyberathlete in 1997, female hardcore gamers were viewed entirely as a novelty. The online community was small, and women involved in computer gaming generated tremendous amounts of excitement, curiosity, and even derision. But the landscape has changed, and according to the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA) women now account for 43% of all computer gamers. It must also be noted that half of all game purchases are made by women.

The skeptics remain of course, and would suggest that women only play casual games or adventure games, or that the women buying games are all moms buying games for their sons. But it only takes a cursory tour of the internet to see that female gamers are carving out a significant space for themselves in Windows gaming. Countless websites now exist for female gamers of all types, from the Quake Woman's Forum to EQ Women for EverQuest fans. For as much as gamers have been told that ‘women only enjoy casual play,' IDSA research reveals that 30% of gamers who play more than 10 hours a week are female.
Excerpt from

If more than ten hours a week is hardcore, then...yikes. Two PvP nights do that, almost.
MaidMirawyn said:
If more than ten hours a week is hardcore, then...yikes. Two PvP nights do that, almost.

Wow only 10 hours? :eek: I do have to admit that my book reading and crochetting time has gone down since we bought this game.

Kel Queen of all Europe
Manyik said:
Wow only 10 hours? :eek: I do have to admit that my book reading and crochetting time has gone down since we bought this game.

Kel Queen of all Europe
Yeah. I have a very simple crocheted strap which I've been toting back and forth to work for two or three weeks. Haven't even worked on it... :o
Back on topic.
I have 2 female characters that I play.
A monk and a warrior.
I just think the warrior looks too much like an oaf.
I think a female Monk looks better.


Is it just me or does a male Necro just look outright scary....???

Their dance does for sure...the whole Mosh pit thing freaks me out.
I think I play about 15 to 20 hours max a week. Lately I have cut down a little on my playing time.
I have no clue how much time i spend on GW a week, but if i had to guess id say.....oh mabey round 20-25 hours a week :o....the game is so addicting.
Unless I go out with friends I am on Guild Wars, Halo, Oblivion or some other game from the time I get home from work until I go to bed, with time in between for dinner. That's about 3 hours a night during the weekdays and most of my time on weekends except saturday nights when I hang out with friends and sunday when I'm at church and sometimes go to lunch or do something else with friends. So I'd say about 25-30 hours of gaming a week on average during the summer. Maybe around 10 hours while I'm away at school. Yea, I need a life. :o :o :o
Well, since I started this internship, it's been cut to around 10-15 a week. Probably at least double that before, hehe.
too many to keep track off, basically all i do is, eat, sleep, talk, and bathroom, and school, and video games.
i also eat and talk and video games all at once sometimes. so as i said before, too much to keep track off
Baron Squirrel said:
my only female is a necro, and that's only because of Thriller. personally, i prefer the look of the male characters, the females tend to be... uh... a little promiscuous in their dress....

that sounds exactly like my friend, Umbra Slayer.

he had a ranger when i first started guild wars that was a girl. i asked why and he said "it looks better than the guy rangers"

and he has a female necro: thriller.

i dont use female characters.

someone else i know is having a child soon, and he wanted to make a character in honor of its name so he has a girl named Ashley Nichole... he's used to the girl name being his own though
I get paid to sit around basically, and to solve any problems that pop up, and to design new user interfaces. Besides that I have about 75% of my workday to browse the internet and talk to people, take on side jobs like building computers, and messing around with the servers at my workplace...

Somehow I never gain weight, im still at 135 :(
ha, vibro, I have almost a 100 lbs on you. now, to gain that extra 10 lbs.

mr. hamburger, mr. benchpress... we have work to do.
hehe, my execise is pretty weird, right now i am asembling a nasty tredmeal by myself, it says to have 2-3 people, and I agree as I am typing with one hand...
vibrokatana said:
I get paid to sit around basically, and to solve any problems that pop up, and to design new user interfaces. Besides that I have about 75% of my workday to browse the internet and talk to people, take on side jobs like building computers, and messing around with the servers at my workplace...

Somehow I never gain weight, im still at 135 :(

Wow, you're not that much heavier than me...