Playing Female Characters

Manyik said:
I have just determined the way to stop Soup boy from posting is to quickly slip in a spell checker when he's not looking and then RUN! SHE"S GONNA BLOW! :D


PLEASE! I only spell incorrectly when I feel like it, you bumbling Cro-Magnon! :p

ChickenSoup said:
PLEASE! I only spell incorrectly when I feel like it, you bumbling Cro-Magnon! :p


contrary to popular belief, putting a " :P " at the end of an insult does not make it go away.

it just adds "cowardly" to your title of "jerk."

just flat out insult everybody and complement yourself, and become a "manly jerk," like me.
Since you responded without correcting the Soup Boy name can we now assume it is acceptable to refer to you by it?
Another interesting feature at Women Gamers. It's the Digital Women Critiques, which evaluate female game characters. Is your favorite there?

Disclaimer: I haven't read every single entry. This is Women Gamers, so...proceed with caution.

Two of my faves from fiction are on the list: Mara Jade (Star Wars) and Elayna Sedai (Wheel of Time). Both got decent scores. Woot!
Manyik said:
Since you responded without correcting the Soup Boy name can we now assume it is acceptable to refer to you by it?


just flat out insult everybody and complement yourself, and become a "manly jerk," like me.

Must... resist.. the "jerk" side... *AA reaches out hand and uses the InsultiForce to lift me off the ground*


Back to topic:

Dixi Lady, this is the women and gaming thread. The first couple of pages actually deal with the original topic, "Playing Female Characters."

Consensus: whether or not you'll play a character of the opposite gender depends largely upon how much of yourself you put into your characters.

If you disagree, feel free to express your opinion...considerately, of course! :D
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aye, i dont associate myself with my characters, i could care less what they do, as long as they act in a christian like manner
I put bits of my personality into my characters; hence the all-female lineup.

Mirawyn is a lady and a dancer (she's my mesmer and primary character).
Tarabeth is a free-spirited wanderer (my ranger who I've had for a year but only got to Lion's Arch last night).
Drian is helpful and thoughtful (my monk).
Marquessa is playful and a bit more aggressive (she's my trapper/touch ranger for PvP).

These are all aspects of my personality.

Adraea Silverwind I haven't figured out yet! She's still a mystery.
This is actually a rather interesting conclusion.

When I was really depressed and got all my socal interactions via the internet, I wanted to write a book on the psychology of the internet. My general finding was that everyone on the internet... all of them... are completely nuts.

MaidMirawyn said:
Back to topic:

Dixi Lady, this is the women and gaming thread. The first couple of pages actually deal with the original topic, "Playing Female Characters."

Consensus: whether or not you'll play a character of the opposite gender depends largely upon how much of yourself you put into your characters.

If you disagree, feel free to express your opinion...considerately, of course! :D
ChickenSoup said:
I second that!

Im not nuts, just dont give me a few hours to do completely nothing, I love to rationalize things, and given enough time develop entire theories about totally pointless stuff that noone else wants to talk about.
vibrokatana said:
Im not nuts, just dont give me a few hours to do completely nothing, I love to rationalize things, and given enough time develop entire theories about totally pointless stuff that noone else wants to talk about.

Bah. Everyone's crazy. And, the proof is right here, beause as they say.... denial is the first sign. HA!
It's not just the internet that everyone is crazy.

Anyone who is married will agree with me. As Robin Williams said in Good Will Hunting about his wife's idiosyncrasies,
Will, she's been dead two years and that's the (expletive) I remember. Wonderful stuff, you know, little things like that. Ah, but, those are the things I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that only I knew about. That's what made her my wife. Oh, and she had the goods on me, too, she knew all my little peccadillos. People call these things imperfections, but they're not, aw, that's the good stuff. And then we get to choose who we let in to our weird little worlds. You're not perfect, sport. And let me save you the suspense. This girl you met, she isn't perfect either. But the question is: whether or not you're perfect for each other. That's the whole deal. That's what intimacy is all about. Now you can know everything in the world, sport, but the only way you're findin' out that one is by givin' it a shot.
Wow this thread actually went 5 Pages Back!! We have not posted here in while! Don't wanna see the thread with the most posts ever just die :(.