Playing Female Characters

ok, I'm typing with only my right hand.

now, I'm typing with my left hand only.

Hmmmmmm.... maybe if I take a chunk out of my hand with my teeth.



aeyrhw gew yeyhetheth teheh eth

I think I see what you mean :eek: :p
vibrokatana said:
you try typing with one hand and the other in pain...
ok this is me typing literally biting my hand the whole time (ill use my left to bite because if i break my right hand i can't write):

hello, my name is Amicus Dei, i'm trying to type with one hand, so far i used backspace twice to fix my comma, but i can still spell treadmill (i just put a comma in the middle of that)

looks like i let a dog use my finger as a chewtoy.
i made three errors in that whole thing but i know how to use [ sparkle ] backspace [ /sparkle ] (lol)

ow my thumb -.-
wanna challenge me to a type off? :p :p :p
sure if you want to, I work in a command line alot, we should do who can type the most 5 word commands... Bash > english language
never occured to me. probably because this generation of MMO players are money grubbing jerks :P

I also think that everquest had a large number of adults from the D&D days compared to youth so it was unbalanced compared to GW
Amicus Dei of [FoG] said:
on topic (this is a first on this page pretty much): the Dervish annoy me because I have to prance around in a huge dress carrying this monstrous scythe around... why can't i have a manly Dervish? grr.
Actually, someone made a very funny WoW video called "Big Blue Dress" on that very topic. It's hilarious, but any recommendation comes with one reservation: it uses an inappropriate word. (Sigh. Why do they always do that?)

Anyway, you can google it.
In reference to Rho's article, I think this was my favorite part:

Despite all he knows, he said his first instinct when seeing a female avatar is to assume that its operator is a woman.

He believes that gut reaction is shared by most men, who he said tend to take a don't-ask, don't-tell approach when it comes to female avatars: "They don't want to know. There is always the chance that you're playing with the one cute female behind the monitor."
ROFL! It's probably true.

But if playing a female character gets you freebies from strangers, how do I get in on this? The only free stuff I've gotten has been from guildees (and one ally) or people I know in RL!
MaidMirawyn said:
ROFL! It's probably true.

But if playing a female character gets you freebies from strangers, how do I get in on this? The only free stuff I've gotten has been from guildees (and one ally) or people I know in RL!
I think you're in the wrong game. Or at least with the wrong crowd. the only cases of this I've seen are in the more traditional MMOs where there were different servers, and usually a select group of popular people per server who everybody worshipped. It's rather sickening actually.

Alternatively, when I played Star Wars Galaxies, a great many of the Entertainers (one of the professions) in the cantinas were female. At least the successful ones. Because most people automatically choose to watch the dancing Twi'lek female over the fat, hairy, male Wookiee. :p
My roomate played WoW last year(until he realized it was consuming his soul) and he played a female human paladin. When asked if he was really a girl, he responded with "Teehee". Teehee became something of a joke on my floor that year :rolleyes: . Anyhow, he got free cash and items simply because the other players thought he was a girl. It was rather humorous actually. He did get asked to do *stuff* if you catch my drift, on more than one occasion.
I have been asked to do some stuff if you know what I mean without being asked if I was a male or female!
I've been chased around districts, whispered so many times that I've blocked the offender, "molested," and propostioned; I received a marriage proposal. I like to hang around people whose capes match mine, because I get left alone then.

And teen girls/women don't say "teeheehee," though they may giggle or laugh until they can't breathe and fall off their chair.

when people pm randomly and you dont know them, its best to ask what they want and not respond furthur. if they start asking or saying stuipid stuff, its probably a immature 8 year old that has nothing better to do...

when people pm randomly and you dont know them, its best to ask what they want and not respond furthur. if they start asking or saying stuipid stuff, its probably a immature 8 year old that has nothing better to do...
If I get a whisper and can't identify the sender, I first find out if it's an ally or someone I know. If it isn't (and it's not in response to an LFG or GLF, of course), I simply ignore their messages. If they continue, they go on the ignore list. Still annoying, though.
If I get a whisper and can't identify the sender, I first find out if it's an ally or someone I know. If it isn't (and it's not in response to an LFG or GLF, of course), I simply ignore their messages. If they continue, they go on the ignore list. Still annoying, though.

just think if you played a male character you wouldnt be pestered...
Well my elementalist is a female simply because I couldn't stand the look of the male ele.

That and nothing is better than having a wammo piloted by some over-sexed teenager do a dirty dance unprovoked on my toon... only to have them recoil in horror when I divulge that I am a man.... :p