Playing Female Characters


quite possibly, the hottest cg char out there.

well, there is Maid Mirawyn the Mesmer...
There are two things that really stand out about those pics of Lara Croft.............the guns and that unruly lock of hair............fooled you........get those minds out of the gutter.
halonic is probbably rolling on the floor laughing, we need call him up and laugh at him so he will feel incredibly uncomfertable and ban him from farming for 18 weeks
I liked the Tomb Raider games back when I played on consoles. Once I started playing PC games though, first person shooters took over.
Let's see...the current defense of the Tomb Raider franchise is "i liked having lots of weapons and killing lots of things" and "Lara Croft is hot!", right?

Back to my original statement:
MaidMirawyn said:
They either think Lara Croft is the best thing to ever happen to women gamers, since Tomb Raider became a highly successful franchise while starring a woman...or they are insulted that, for a female character to be taken seriously, she has to be so heavily sexualized in her physical depiction but treated like a man in every other respect.
So, which is it?
A Man's Dream a woman that can kick his BUTT! that is why Lara is cool lol. So I see why you hate her. But for some woman it was a break through to put a woman as the star of a game and movie!
one2dredd said:
A Man's Dream a woman that can kick his BUTT! that is why Lara is cool lol. So I see why you hate her. But for some woman it was a break through to put a woman as the star of a game and movie!

into dominatrixes, eh?
(do NOT look up that word, okay?)
Lara Croft was, indeed, successful. But it took creating a female character who was just like every male character, except that she is highly sexuallized and incredibly unrealistically proportioned. No attempt was ever made to make her seem like an actual female in any other way, until the recent decline in sales.

That's what it took for a female character to be successful. THAT is why it is insulting to me and many women.
I really don't actually care about the plight of women in gaming.

I never got into Lara Croft because it's too depressing to fantasize about a CG characters. makes for some good jokes, tho, I will admit.
ArchAngel said:
I never got into Lara Croft because it's too depressing to fantasize about a CG characters. makes for some good jokes, tho, I will admit.
Every time I'm about ready to give up on you, you surprise me.

For you...
MaidMirawyn said:
Every time I'm about ready to give up on you, you surprise me.

For you...
MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm....can I get some of those but slightly less baked? I like my chocolate chip cookies gooey.....or raw, doesn't matter. :p