Playing Female Characters

A friend of mine has a sister who won a scholarship and met Bill Gates and everything and didn't pay a cent because of scholarships. Yeah. She's unbelievably smart...
Bill Gates made PC Affordable and the Average Joe who cannot oporate a PC to be able to learn very easily. So I thank Mr Gates!
one2dredd said:
Bill Gates made PC Affordable and the Average Joe who cannot oporate a PC to be able to learn very easily. So I thank Mr Gates!
Oh, he's not entirely worthless...just mostly! :P

Which reminds me: went an Apple store opening today. Too cool!
My dad just ordered a imac, should be arriving in the next few days. This is replacing a 5 year old dell that has been nothing but a pain. Ive had to fix problems with it about 20 times, the hard drives erase the MBR randomly, a IDE controller doesnt work, and best of all the cpu runs above spec for heat(as in WAYYY over spec).

Oh and i should point out that microsoft had nothing to do with making hardware cheaper, yes he did put alot of businesses out of competition by selling his junk cheaper. We mainly have IBM to thank for doing all the research that allowed mass production of computers (vs hand soldering in the early 80's)

I truely think IBM has contributed more then any other company toward computers. That magnetic disk spinning in your machine was invented in the 1950's by IBM.

Imagine if apple had been more competitive by actually patenting many of their ideas, microsoft would have floundered, as they would have had to develop something that didnt use windows, and they couldnt use a mouse to controle the interface.
vibrokatana said:
My dad just ordered a imac, should be arriving in the next few days. This is replacing a 5 year old dell that has been nothing but a pain. Ive had to fix problems with it about 20 times, the hard drives erase the MBR randomly, a IDE controller doesnt work, and best of all the cpu runs above spec for heat(as in WAYYY over spec).

Oh and i should point out that microsoft had nothing to do with making hardware cheaper, yes he did put alot of businesses out of competition by selling his junk cheaper. We mainly have IBM to thank for doing all the research that allowed mass production of computers (vs hand soldering in the early 80's)

I truely think IBM has contributed more then any other company toward computers. That magnetic disk spinning in your machine was invented in the 1950's by IBM.

Imagine if apple had been more competitive by actually patenting many of their ideas, microsoft would have floundered, as they would have had to develop something that didnt use windows, and they couldnt use a mouse to controle the interface.

*sigh* yet another post of how much vibro hates microsoft.
Look, if you really want to argue about a computer that is 5 years old, fine. But the recent Dells that I have are just peachy
Ok lets try this, I worked hours on end maintaining well over 200 brand new dells. The list of problems they have is baaad news for admins. Needless to say they suffered from data corruption on massive scale(about 20% affected), bad drivers(every one of em blue screened and crashed after going out of sleep), and best of all bad engineering that cause the computer to short when removed from the dock under certain conditions, not to mention random hard drive failures(12% or so affected) that can not be accounted for.

Its not that I hate dell for being a microsoft distributer, but that they produce INFERIER products. A) several of their components are proprietary (power supply, motherboard mounts, power plugs), and by proprietary, its not a good thing, it leads to hours of talking to people why they cant do this and that with their dell. B) you dont get a full version of windows, but rather a image that will only boot on dells C) finding the drivers for dell gets interesting after a fresh install (a friend of mine recently bought a dell, came with only a image-restore disk and powerdvd)(reimaged to get rid of all the trash [AOL 7,8, AND 9!?!], and found that he had no networking drivers at all, that was a mess to fix.

I am just stating from personal experience my opinion of dell computers, if they work great for you fine, personally I will avoid them(never had a issue with any dell servers though :P, ranging from 1u,2u and tower configs)
I have two big issues with Dell: comes pre-loaded with junk and no Windows XP system disk...just a hidden partition for a total system restore. Not good. But if yours has worked well, great! Just realize that, with no disk, you can run into major issues if you ever have to reinstall the operating system.
I really dont care what computer is being used I just hate being preached to that that a personal dislike for a CPU is why I should switch if PCs where so bad ones made by Microsoft or anyone else they would not stay in Business for very long. As much as you hate Microsoft their Customer service is pretty good. They support their products good or bad very well. If they did not do a half way decent job they would not exist. I know IBMs are good I know Macs are good. Do I want one not really. I am a gamer and gamers do NOT choose IBM or Apple or Mac. Those are more for Graphic Designers and such. Microsoft is here to stay until they dont reat their customers well or someone else comes out with something Better/cheaper so GET OVER IT!
I love my Mac, but I know a lot of people love their PCs. If you're really happy with it, stick with it.

But my decision to have a Mac laptop wasn't just because I'm a graphic designer. I could have bought the Adobe stuff for a PC. I learned about the Mac because I'm a graphic designer, but I prefer the Mac because it's just a great machine and a great operating system.

We have two pcs and a Mac laptop. At work, I have two Macs and a PC. (Which results in a lot of "Doh!" when I forget which one I'm using...the shortcuts are close, but NOT the same!) So I use both platforms and don't expect Microsoft to go away anytime soon.

The difference: I love my Mac. I use our PC.

And in my experience, Microsoft's customer service has been less than stellar. Fortunately, we rarely need it to fix stuff.
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MaidMirawyn said:
I have two big issues with Dell: comes pre-loaded with junk and no Windows XP system disk...just a hidden partition for a total system restore. Not good. But if yours has worked well, great! Just realize that, with no disk, you can run into major issues if you ever have to reinstall the operating system.

Quenk the benk