Playing Female Characters

one2dredd said:
I really dont care what computer is being used I just hate being preached to that that a personal dislike for a CPU is why I should switch if PCs where so bad ones made by Microsoft or anyone else they would not stay in Business for very long. As much as you hate Microsoft their Customer service is pretty good. They support their products good or bad very well. If they did not do a half way decent job they would not exist. I know IBMs are good I know Macs are good. Do I want one not really. I am a gamer and gamers do NOT choose IBM or Apple or Mac. Those are more for Graphic Designers and such. Microsoft is here to stay until they dont reat their customers well or someone else comes out with something Better/cheaper so GET OVER IT!

Incase you havent noticed about 95% of machines IBM(lenova for consumer pc's), and 100% of the consumer machines run windoz that are sold. Also you forget that the new macs can install windoz, and game quite well.

The best practice is to either A) know what your talking about or B) research and learn about a topic, so you can hold that knowledge with pride

Im not trying to make people switch computer brands, or buy a new machine, I am just stating my personal experience, my personal opinion, and what my preferences are. last i checked I still had the freedom of speech.

I believe that arguing and good debate A) builds a health social lifestyle, as you will have to debate many subjects B) allows more information to be brought to the table of knowledge.

Share your ideas and opinions as they are what define you.
I am banning myself from the pizza line at florida state, its sooo good, greasy, 3 cheese, any toppings you want, and all you can eat. plus the cookiez are right around the corner
So your saying I am dumb and don't know what I am talking about? I also did not says windows cannot be on the other systems. I just said most gamers prefer PCs other than Mac or IBM in General whether the IBM gamers are better I have no idea.
Please don't fight, guys! :( I don't think anyone thinks anyone else is dumb because of their computer choices!

Look, a topic!
The sacrifices I make for you people!

I went in search of something on-topic, and the only thing I could come up with quickly nemesis. So let's discuss *shudder* Lara Croft. Is she a positive force for women in the gaming world? Do you love her? Hate her? Looking for the real life version of her to marry? :rolleyes:
Awww sadly Angelina Jolie Is taken. I played the first 3 games after that they were not that fun. On a note Tomb Raider was the first game that starred a woman as the lead character AS far as I know. Also something that not been done when it was turned into a movie.
Yes her I pray that someday her and Brad come to Christ. I like both of them as Actors and Actresses.
If they could, imagine what type of witness THAT would be!

I found an interesting (older) survey on They asked about most loved and most hated games. Tomb Raider topped both.

It's a really interesting article. These excerpts are very revealing:

We asked several questions about gender issues in games in our survey. First, we wanted to shed some light on the question of just how important it is to gamers to be given the choice to play a character of their own sex in a game. We found that it is indeed important to the majority of our respondents. For example, when given the choice, 54% always choose to play game characters of their own sex, while 35% will do so sometimes.

Most illuminating, however, are the gender differences in our data. A significantly larger number of females would always choose to play a female character given the choice: 63% versus only 23% of males. Additionally, 73% of female respondents claimed that it is important to be given that choice, versus only 31% of males. These results lend credibility to what we at WG have been arguing for some time: that it is very important to women to be able to play female characters, and that giving them that choice is a smart business move.

We also asked respondents whether the sexual objectification of female characters, and the unrealistic portrayal of male characters, affect their game playing decisions. In fact, 42% of our respondents reported that the objectification of females in games causes them to avoid those games: 24% always avoid playing games that depict women as sexual objects, 18% sometimes avoid them. 19% feel that they have no choice but to play these games, as the objectification of women in games is ubiquitous. Only 23% of respondents reported that the unrealistic portrayal of male characters negatively affects their playing choices.
Interesting and a Bumpz at the same time. So Women liked Tomb Raider and hated it at the same time?
I am sorry the Female Brain is Complex when they sy=ay one thing it may mean another I dunno!
one2dredd said:
Interesting and a Bumpz at the same time. So Women liked Tomb Raider and hated it at the same time?
It means women either loved it or hated it; there was very little middle ground! I've found, in my experience, most women do feel that way. They either think Lara Croft is the best thing to ever happen to women gamers, since Tomb Raider became one of the hottest, most successful franchises, while starring a woman...or they are insulted that, for a female character to be taken seriously, she has to be so heavily sexualized in her physical depiction but treated like a man in every other respect.

I think I've already made clear my view.
dont let the thread die!

actually i dont care about the games, they have horrible controls