Macs are better when compared to an equal machine

Macs = FTL...I had to spend 8.5 hours on one today, and I hate them and know everything about them already... Yay for windows and window addons... :)
But I do have one good things to say about Apple, they are giving me internet access at work...or is that IBM...hmm...but at least I have internet access at work, I think it is the craziest thing ever... Work AND internet...WOW...
YOu should try, work, internet and WoW...

Some people never get any work done.

The Macs at work, even through they are new, and top of the line, do not have the graphic capability to run WoW... We have to use iMacs, yeah they have like a 25 inch screen and a dual core processor, but like 128MBs of shared video and graphic memory...ouch...
I agree with the premise of this thread: Macs are better when compared to an equal machine. Its just that what is considered an equal machine is not necessarily what mac users originally thought and the statement itself "are better when compared to equality" is just down right funny!!!