Macs are better when compared to an equal machine

shall i make my ever persistent posts from the CERT queries that show OS/X is crap security wise compared to Vista or XP? hmm...shall i? hmm...?
I have had a Macbook Pro for over a year now as my main work and home computer. I love working in the Mac OS, it just feels slicker and more intuitive. Parallels is quite a neat product and being able to run windows alongside MacOS in coherence mode is super-bonbon-neat.

All my love for the sexiness of the Mac hardware and its OS aside. I have to admit I find myself in XPpro via bootcamp probably >75% of the time. This is mainly because I play a lot of games, and XP is the only one that plays EQ2.

Having the best of both worlds at the same time is really the way to go in my opinion. At this time that can only be done on Mac hardware so that is what I will be exclusively purchasing from here on out.
Macs are yummy apples...and make good fruit salad! I'm sure all agree

Red Delicious > Macintosh

When I was a child, a friend of my dad actually build a computer, using a Macintosh CPU. He called his computer a 'Crab Apple'.

Dea and I own a Macbook, and I can't imagine any PC notebook in its price range (around $1100 a year ago or so) working out as well for us. It may not pwn the benchmarks in Windows XP mode but it runs Guild Wars flawlessly, that's pretty much all I need on the PC side personally.

I'd like Mac's more if more programs ran on them and if they didn't cost a small fortune.

I like how they don't use windows, but thats obviously a double edged sword.
I'd like Mac's more if more programs ran on them and if they didn't cost a small fortune.

I like how they don't use windows, but thats obviously a double edged sword.

You know that Macs cost is cheaper or close in price than a PC that is it's equal?
I have been racist (can computers have race?) against macs all my life...

until recently, they are getting better. Macs are great for the artsier kinda stuff... and boy do they look really pretty with the artsy stuff... BUT You can not deny the ABSOLUTE efficiencies of the PC when you are trying to get extreme assignments done. Or when you have a dead line and you MUST finish this project efficiently.

Macs are great, yet not for work.

That is my opinion.

If i am just having a computer for social reasons... i probably would like to convert to make (ONLY IF I CAN GET A STABLE CONVERTER SO I CAN PLAY PC GAMES ON THE MAC)

*side note* i have never seen an efficient emulator turning Mac programs to PC or vis-versa.
If i am just having a computer for social reasons... i probably would like to convert to make (ONLY IF I CAN GET A STABLE CONVERTER SO I CAN PLAY PC GAMES ON THE MAC)

*side note* i have never seen an efficient emulator turning Mac programs to PC or vis-versa.

I don't use any kind of emulator. I run XP on my Macbook. ;)
That's what dual boot is all about. It isn't an emulator, it is actually Windows XP on a software-managed partition of the hard drive. And it works great, with only the following minor issues:

1 - Tends to lock up when put into sleep mode while in XP, which requires a reboot.

2 - Some software updates don't seem to work properly. This has only caused me one problem so far, which is:

3 - After I uninstalled Internet Explorer, it just won't let me reinstall it, for whatever reason which I will tend to blame on microsoft because it's their software and OS and after all you can blame anything on microsoft and nobody will question it. :)
