Macs are better when compared to an equal machine

you could save a lot of money and have a tree{house,chop} action figure made instead! that's better eye candy imo
The air just got here! It's pretty sweet! Just not for me... If all i did was surf the internet and do email i'm sure i'd love it.'s XPS are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than alienware ...and generally have newer hardware options...i can see dell dropping the alienware brand before too long...<3 my 30lb xps laptop beast!
FYI: Dell bought Alienware 2 years ago, and I am sorry, but I hate dell, I have 2 XPS 410s, and they decent, but they still keep control over it anyways they can, even if I reformat, dell software still gets reinstalled, WITH MY OWN XP DISC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've had plenty of XPS desktops (still have a 630 laying around) and had no issue like that whatsoever. the only way that could conceivably happen is if you didn't eliminate any management partition that was installed.
If i were to buy a gaming lappy this would be it! I love sagers.
Powered by Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme processor and NVIDIA® 8800 GTX SLI Technology also capable of RAID 0 / 1 / 5 with three hard drives coexisting with an optical drive

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Sager > Alienware > Dell.

The "Top of the line" (gaming) Dells looks like something out of an '80s alien terror movie...



Snasteh lookin!
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