Macs are better when compared to an equal machine


New Member
I dunno, the Commodore 64 had a lot of cool games that wouldn't work on a Mac...

That *is* pretty funny Mordos ... imo anything with a chiclet keyboard is FTL -- I thought the world learned that lesson with the IBM PCjr.
"totally rad"

Havn't heard that in a while...

But that is totally what I expected when I was opening this post Mordos lol
I love Mac users, they are so delusional. Make you wonder why Mac brought out BootCamp… Maybe cause they know that the Windows market is bigger they Steve jobs could ever dream to have his Leopard, I mean OS X.2, I mean Leopard… You know that piece of junk software that was release and they had to release a service pack for right away. Where they getting their business practices? Microsoft? I mean they are the biggest software maker in the world after all.

Now, when someone can mention a more stable and secure OS, then I will withdraw saying LINUX FTW!
ALSO...why is it that both Linux and OSX recognize all file formats of windows, but windows cannot read file formats of Linux and OSX??? And why is it that windows has a (Not Responding) thing...everyone knows that windows never responds...oh wait, that's right, you never have that problem in any Linux Distro or OSX.x, really, which is is been clear to me for 8 years, and about 6 years of STUDY!

I am sorry, but Windows is a very weak operating system made for people who want it easy... If you TRY to call yourself a geek, and mainly use windows...I laugh at you...try hacking a wireless network on windows...not gonna happen... Windows is the lazy mans OS, period!
why would windows bother to recognize linux files when 1% of files are linux? thats like having a mexican food restaurant in arizona and wondering why the waiter doesnt speak french:p
To a hacker/programmer...nothing is better than having any OS run your Linux files... But if you are an everyday regular computer user (probably most of you guys), you would not need this...
I wish I had gotten more into the programming side of computers instead of hardware, but working with the hardware was fun too:)

oh yeah 1900! woot:p
Thats totally accurate!

I disagree, the depiction here showing Mac as a tricycle is saying that a Mac is simple, when really it is the other way around, Mac's can do so much more than a PC and 10 times as fast, and many of you guys posting this things has probably never used a Mac...

Also, when benchmarked, Macs do everything more efficient and score higher than a PC in everything... 512MB of RAM goes farther on a MAC than 2GB of RAM does on a PC, so seriously, that depiction makes no sense... A tricycle is not faster than that bike, but a Mac is almost always faster than a PC... Also, PCs ARE THE EASIEST TO USE COMPUTERS IN THE why does it say it is hard to drive??? The person who made that picture has no clue about computers, obviously, a more appropriate depiction would be using cars, and Windows being a newer, nice, non high end sports car, and a Mac being an old muscle car... Yeah, windows maybe be flashy and pretty, but when you go below the surface, you are looking at plastic that will die off and have to be replaced like all new crappy cars they are making now...but with your mac you have the cast iron big block that will run over 500,000 miles, and well... :)
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ALSO...why is it that both Linux and OSX recognize all file formats of windows, but windows cannot read file formats of Linux and OSX??? And why is it that windows has a (Not Responding) thing...everyone knows that windows never responds...oh wait, that's right, you never have that problem in any Linux Distro or OSX.x, really, which is is been clear to me for 8 years, and about 6 years of STUDY!

I am sorry, but Windows is a very weak operating system made for people who want it easy... If you TRY to call yourself a geek, and mainly use windows...I laugh at you...try hacking a wireless network on windows...not gonna happen... Windows is the lazy mans OS, period!

u know I read this and see an uneducated person. You know why Windows does read those... Cause it's the Big dog in the park and doesn't need to. I've used Linux for years and Mac OS What ever is the biggest piece of junk. I can hack a wireless network on windows, that's easy.
Every heard of power shell? ot is one of the GREATEST things Microsoft has released.
Next, I can't remember the last time I got a not responding message on my PC. If you know what you are doing and tweek all your settings (Just like Mac or Linux) it runs fine. I'm not a Mac hater or a Linux hater. I use them when it is needed... But I don't live in my own little world saying one can't do this or that... well I remember back at the Las Vegas Black Hat convention when I sat down and hacked the system faster on a Windows machine then anyone in the Linux world.
All I'm saying is open your mind a bit more... there is more to Microsoft then you see. Not knocking you, but 6 years is nothing... you are still very young in this indusrty.
I disagree, the depiction here showing Mac as a tricycle is saying that a Mac is simple, when really it is the other way around, Mac's can do so much more than a PC and 10 times as fast, and many of you guys posting this things has probably never used a Mac...

Also, when benchmarked, Macs do everything more efficient and score higher than a PC in everything... 512MB of RAM goes farther on a MAC than 2GB of RAM does on a PC, so seriously, that depiction makes no sense... A tricycle is not faster than that bike, but a Mac is almost always faster than a PC... Also, PCs ARE THE EASIEST TO USE COMPUTERS IN THE why does it say it is hard to drive??? The person who made that picture has no clue about computers, obviously, a more appropriate depiction would be using cars, and Windows being a newer, nice, non high end sports car, and a Mac being an old muscle car... Yeah, windows maybe be flashy and pretty, but when you go below the surface, you are looking at plastic that will die off and have to be replaced like all new crappy cars they are making now...but with your mac you have the cast iron big block that will run over 500,000 miles, and well... :)

Go back to school for another 6 years and learn more. You are as bad are those Linux geeks at conventions.