Fun with Webcams!

My senior year in HS, I was 6'2", 240lbs, 4.88 40 yd dash, bench around 300, squat over 500, 12% body fat, recruited by major colleges to play defensive end, but a back injury ended things pretty quickly. Now, I'm 340 lbs, 38% body fat (but dropping due to starting a cardio plan). Remember after your athletic career is over to STOP EATING and keep working out.
My senior year in HS, I was 6'2", 240lbs, 4.88 40 yd dash, bench around 300, squat over 500, 12% body fat, recruited by major colleges to play defensive end
massive! 300. impressive.
I only did 200, back when I weight 195. lost it. getting old.
my average day consists of:
7:00 get up shower and go to work at 8:00
3:00 leave work
3:30 eat my first meal
4:00 start playing gw
7:00 get dinner
11:00 small snake and juice
12:00 sleep
LOL. How do you find out body fat %? My brother is pretty big. He is a bouncer at a night club. He has some friends that fight in the UFC. So none picks on him.
Wrathbone said:
LOL. How do you find out body fat %?
Couple of different ways. The easiest is if you go to a gym, they'll have machines you can hold on to that run a current through your body to determine body fat % in a matter of seconds. One less accurate way is the infamous calipers, where they pinch the skin behind your shoulder and on your thigh, and then do some math based on those measurements. I always came out at like 30% body fat when they did the calipers, but 12% when they did the machine, because the calipers make no distinction as to where you carry your fat.
cool thanks. Please pray for me because i start football tomorrow. It will be hard but i can do it. It is really hot here in Jacksonville. It reached 98 yesterday. So pry that i nor anyone elses will have any serious injuries.
Ok I think there was a topic here somewhere, so here is a picture of Popcorn Boy taken in Dredd's neck-o-da-woods.

Click image for a REALY BIG picture