Creation vs evolution

IN fact, there will be different levels for it for different levels of sinful people on this world, as it states in Scripture.

I have never heard of this where in the Bible is this. I am not saying you are wrong I just want to read it.

@ Eon. The fact is we have a lot of arcaelogical eveidence supporting Biblical events. Have we found any other sites that correspond with the Odessey ( other than his home island)?

P.S. I am new to these forums how do you quote something?
You click the word Quote up in the corner of other people's posts.
Try Matthew 11:23-24. Jesus is saying it'll be more bearable for Sodom (as in "Wiped Out By Fire for Being Gay Haven" Sodom) than for Capernaum. He's making a comparison there. More bearable. Somewhere, it's going to be worse in hell for Capernaum than Sodom. Jesus says the Pharisees will receive a greater condemnation in Matthew 23:14 for abusing their status and misusing it to do worldly stuff, perhaps even lead those seeking GOd astray. Romans 2:5, Paul says that some are storing up wrath for themselves for the Day of Wrath."
Mr_Eon Posted on Mar. 20 2003,4:19
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Well, gee... If it was God's plan then it would have come to pass - otherwise what's the point in being omnipotent and omniscient?

Mr.Eon, if God had wanted a bunch of preprogramed robots He would have created them.But because He desired a people who would love Him out of their own choice, He endowed man with one of the most powerful things any human possesses,freewill.Man had a choice then and we have choice now;deny Almighty God,Maker of heaven and earth,who sent His only begotten Son to die and spill His blood for our salvation and grant those who believe,life and eternity with Him.Or reject His precious gift and face His judgement.As it says in Hebrews 2:3 " how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation...?

Well, personally speaking I have my own life, my own loves and my own freewill. IF your religion is correct then God doesn't feel I rate these basic freedoms, and therefore I have little time for his petulant complaints. Or his judgement.

How so?
I have my own life. I have my own loves, wants, desires, accomplishments, prides, sins, feelings, tastes, experiences, beleifs, my own mind, even, and all that great stuff.
What's wrong if I believe that God gave me them, in His own image?
But I will be judged if I don't believe, or do believe. My actions will be held before HIs eyes, and he'll reward me for my actions as a Christian and punish me for my actions as a non-Christian.
What's so awesome is that once I accept Jesus Christ I'm washed clean, so that when I'm showed before God at the end, I have Jesus backing me up so I'm totally clean. Wow!
Ooo, four songs in a row from Green Day! Sorry.
List me some petulant complaints please.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]There's no  real empirical evidence that man was created whole, either...

I never made the claim that there was empirical evidence that man was created. Furthermore, on what basis can you say there is NO real empirical evidence that man was created? Have you examined all evidences, everywhere? Are you omnisicient? *scratches head* My point is that when you have billions of pieces of evidence against something, I don't see how it is logical to accept it, and it seems to me you should at least retreat to agnosticism on the belief. I do think there are certain evidences for creationism, but my point here is to critique evolution and get people to at least the point of agnosticism. If they can't get that far, stating reasons for creationism is a waste of time, IMO.
There are many tell-tales that show we evolved from earlier organisms.

Physically we have many traits that hint at our earlier ancestors. Personally I can pick a pen up with my toes, because my toes are quite long and fairly prehensile. My wifes toes on the other hand are very modern, and are really not much good for gripping at all.

Genetically, of course, there is far more evidence of our past. We have reams and reams of deactivated pseudo code that speak of our origins. Abilities we no longer require, now dormant. And we're not alone. Why do Whales have hips? Why do Dolphins have a complete set of pseudocode for a sense of smell, when they don't even have noses any more?

....because God made them that way? Is that so hard to accept? MAybe dolphins were made with a sense of smell for the water so, perhaps, umm, THEY WOULDN'T DROWN?! After all, they're mammals, with lungs, not gills.
And, uh, you're not any different a human if your toes can curl, or if you're double-jointed. You're not any more animal if you're hairier.
Dogs breed dogs from breeding with dogs. A cat doesn't come out of that. Whales breed whales. Humans breed humans. Once that changes, alert me and I will jet off from Earth ASAP.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] Personally I can pick a pen up with my toes, because my toes are quite long and fairly prehensile. My wifes toes on the other hand are very modern, and are really not much good for gripping at all.

I to can pick up a pen with my toes,so can every male in my family. Any way, if evolution is correct and all humans evolved from the same ancester then everyone should have the same genitic traits correct? As far as I know there is no eveidince that new genitic traits can appear in humans. Shall we bring up the fact that there are not any convincing transitional skeletons from ape to human. You also said that whales have hip bones or, bones that could resemble hips. If they are hips then why aren't they walking the earth right now?
Ermm, because Whales evolved (like the entire cetacean family) to adapt to a watery way of life.

That's why they still have rudimentary hind legs and hips, which they don't use anymore.

As for the dolphins they CAN'T smell, they don't have nose, and the psuedocode in their genetic structure is not active, it's pseudo code NOT code. The same as our pseudocode for internal production of Vitamin C (ever wonder why dogs don't suffer from scurvy? Well, their Vit C production is still switched on, because they don't eat alot of things with Vit C in them, whilst we DO, hence not needing to produce it internally any more).

Some animals don't need nostrils to sense smell...antennae reception for insectae.
So let me get this straight: HORSES, grass eaters, evolved once their forests devolved into plains, to adapt to plain life, while whales, water? What were whales in before water that they would want to go to water? Wouldn't it make sense that they'd evolve for their original dwelling? Or is just arbitrary and they felt like evolving for water?
How does one evolve? You tell your genes to do it and they do? MMkay. That sounds easy. I'm currently my genes I want to be able to fly, so that means my bones will hollow out and...two things will sprout from my shoulder blades....
I'm confused. Can you explain WHY whales need hips to ADAPT to a watery life? Did whales NOT live in water beforehand? If so, why'd they want to go live in water?
Whales did not live in water previously, they were a land faring species which changed niche to become an ambush predator, much like a mammalian alligator in niche.

Eventually the moved exclusively into the rivers, then the seas, becoming Whales as they got bigger. I'd give you the species name, but it's late and I need to look it up on a DvD I have packed away preparatory to moving house.

Regarding the Dolphin thing - again I am embarrassed to say that I don't have my sources to hand. They can be located on the internet - search for pseudocode and see what it has to tell you. It's the name for all the unsequenced garbage we have in our genotypes, stuff left over and unused.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] Eventually the moved exclusively into the rivers, then the seas, becoming Whales as they got bigger.

If what you say is true then why didn't it just develop gills? It would be much easier if they did not have to come to the surface for air all the time. Since all life came from a fish-like being why didn't the early soon-to -be whales just stay in the water?

I will see what I can find on pseudocodes when I have some free time.
(Scratches head)
So...whales left land to ambush animals in water? Why? Weren't they happy living on the surface? And if so, why not just crawl back out of the water, moving through rivers and DEvolving to become monstrous land predators? And move back into the water again and become bigger? And back to land and become bigger? And overthrow the world? Heck, animals can just evolve, then, and enslave man. Why not, right? After all, they knew enough to get to the water to evolve? And the trees knew better than to stand in the way of evolving grass, and the horses knew better than to not evolve...
But what if some catacylsm happens that animals aren't prepped for? What happens to evolution then? Nothing, right? Death happens. Can't do much explain the Ice Age to me, please.....
The Ice Age was almost as big a cataclysm as the Nemesis asteroid. A huge number of species died out, but some survived and adapted - hence Mammoth, wooly rhino and other species.

Have you never seen a biome change naturally? Like the drifting deserts of the Sahara? Most changes take a long, long time, but some are quite quick. For example, during the Ice Ages more of the Earths water was bound up in the polar cap (which spread to cover more of the earth) lowering the sea level. Are you going to argue now that the Ice Ages never happened?

I have a question: the mammoth saber toothed tiger all survived because they had thick coats correct? If it was as cold as scientists say it was how come the "early humans" why didn't they freeze to death cause they sure couldn't go out in sub zero temputres, kill a mammoth,skin it and and then go back in their firless cave and warm up again. Or, why didn't they adapt fur coats in the short time evolution occasionaly uses.

I have also noticed that we answer every point you make but you skip over many of ours.