Central Transfer Chamber - the NEW off-topic thread

Punisher blows up the moon and kills the X-Men (not Wolverine) and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. (Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe).

Glitch, I'm going to ask you to re-post your image in another thread that i'll create, as we seem to have taken over the off-topic thread with something has a purpose...so yeah..we're moving the "Beat This" so that the off-topic thread can retain its purpose.
I made cookies...but I can't find the cable to hook up my camera to my computer...and no they aren't so burnt that they could be mistaken for Oreos..
Derk!? Your holding out on us!!! When was this gonna be made public eh???

Congrats you guys, that a great thing! Hope God blesses you with a wonderful child!
Wow, she's joked about posting before, but she actually did it this time.

She's just a little excited. The 2nd hand store was having a sale today so she bought a few girl clothes today.

On a more serious note, it could be 2 years before we get through the waiting and referral periods. China is one of the longer waits, we're leaning toward Haiti, but we're waiting for a decision on a law they are considering that would prevent couples with 2 or more children from adopting there.
Has Donnie told you all that he was adopted? I know just how wonderful adoption is. If God hadn't blessed my in-laws with Donnie's placement, we never would have met. (At Church Camp BTW.)
I'm going to see arena football this weekend: Georgia Force, with the Gwinnett County public schools.

Yes, football. Y'all can laugh at me now.
I'd much rather watch a match of a game like in the old Hyperblade game. Basically imagine, hockey, half a cylinder, and swords.