Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

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  • Sunday

    Votes: 2 40.0%
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    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 4 80.0%

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  • Poll closed .
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Sorry about that, I didn't see your response for some reason.

I should be getting Halo 2 this week, so I'll check out that clan.
Sign-up: Halo 2 on Friday, June 24


Well, both polls have closed, and game time is coming! If you plan on being able to come to a game of Halo 2 at 9 to 11 PM EST on Friday, June 24th, please post below! :)
That's good, because I'm going to wait until summer is out so I can download those maps for free. Why drop the money when you can wait a couple of months and pick them up for no cost?
kraniac will likely be there in all his... er... splendor?

Mind if I let my brother and father in on it? They're both ToJ also. Gamertags: Raar and MooLackaMoo.
Glad to hear you're all coming!

@kraniac: Sure! We'd be happy to let 'em in. Just have them add me to their friends list (Tag = SirThom)
Heh, ooops, looks like I'll be joining in closing seconds if that's okay. I've got worship practice at 6:00 PM PST, and it usually goes over until 7:30 or so.
IceBladePOD said:
Heh, ooops, looks like I'll be joining in closing seconds if that's okay. I've got worship practice at 6:00 PM PST, and it usually goes over until 7:30 or so.
Yep, that's fine and completely understandable. Whenever you get online, then, just join SirThom's game, wherever it is. Make sure you've added me to your Friends list.


@Mash: Sure, no problemo! I'll invite GamerTag is SirThom, so add me so I can invite ya! :)


So far, that's:


seek, I do not know what your GamerTag is, so please let me know.

Also, everyone, make sure you add me to your friends list!! My 'Tag is SirThom.
So we get clan invites then eh? Absolutely smashing! Perhaps in time the Tribe of Judah Xbox Halo 2 Clan will form into a cohesive team that doesn't engage in friendly fire! Rawkfist.
*sigh* I'm sorry I didn't come, something came up that made me forget about the game tonight. I'm really, really sorry. >_<

That being said, anyone want to take my place as Leader? *sigh*
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