Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

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Forza Motorsport

I would like to get Forza... so you say it is great? Worth the $50? I love good racing games and ever since I saw the first adverts for Forza, I think I have been hooked.

Icthus said:
only thing i can think of is World of Warcraft. But that is a maybe. I learned long ago to let the games come out and get a couple of patches before buying them. My guess is most games come out 6 months early anyway so why pay to beta test. I wait about 60 days from release if I really want it.

I have only purchased three games in the last year, if you include expansions then i have bought 5.

There's a World of Warcraft for Xbox???

I assume you mean the Tribe of Judah. If so, I suggest you send me an e-mail or PM with his first and last name and I will check it out.

I pray your dad has a safe recovery!


Yes, I should be able to fire one up as soon as I get out of this financial hole.
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Does anybody here play Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow often? I've only played Co-op online once, and the Live! group I've played with is on Black Arrow or Halo 2 all the time. I'm not too sure it'd be a good idea to take on "optimatched" Livers at random in this game. Thanks.
I'm sort of interested in Half-Life 2 for Xbox. It's odd that Valve would choose to port (or redesign?) HL 2 to Xbox when the 360 is months away. I have a Dell Dimension 8400, and I've tried out the HL 2 demo on it. It's solid, but the framerate isn't great. Aside from that and perhaps Forza, there aren't any other prominent Xbox games on the horizon really, everybody seems focused on 360.
I have it for Xbox, but I think Xbox Live is stupid so I don't play it online. I also have it for PC but I like the controls on Xbox better (for this game).
Why don't you like Xbox Live!?

Is there anyone who plays Chaos Theory over Live and would be interested in a few rounds?
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Choose the upcoming game!!

That's right! Take the poll and choose what games you'd be interested in playing for a match sometime during the week of June 19th.

NOTE: Non-chapter members: please do not answer the poll.
We're limited to just one? That's abhorrent! Well, not really, but still..., if MC and friends win, will the match be used as a launching pad for the clan?
Ah, okay then :D

Well, that depends if I own Halo 2 by then, or if I rented it. If it was the former, I would say 'yes', latter I would say 'no'.
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