Archived threads for Xbox Live Chapter

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  • Sunday

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Monday

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Tuesday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Wednesday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Thursday

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 4 80.0%

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IceBladePOD said:
You know, a new copy of Halo 2 can be had for 30 bucks in some locations, unless you want the special edition.

I got the Special Edition when it first came out! Cost me like $65!
Choose the date and time for the upcoming game!

Pick the date and time for the upcoming game during the week of 6/19.

NOTE: Please select all available dates/times.

Non-chapter members: please do not answer the poll.
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I'm game for any time, though on Tuesday and Thursday night I probably won't be able to be on (unless the match lasts past 9:30 PM PST).
Well, 9:30 PM Pacific is 12:30 AM my time, and I'll be sleeping. :D

So just go ahead and choose Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and then whatever time you'd be available. appears I picked a day (Monday) and time (7:00 PM PST) I will not be avalible. Interesting....yes. I'd like the opportunity to recast! There's a mulligan, right?
IceBladePOD said: appears I picked a day (Monday) and time (7:00 PM PST) I will not be avalible. Interesting....yes. I'd like the opportunity to recast! There's a mulligan, right?
Voila, I changed it. :)
Xbox 360?

I was just wondering if anyone here is planning to move to the 360 when it comes out. I was going to wait, but I'm selling some old games and saving up to raise the money for it when it comes out.
Yeah, I think I'll probably get one. I have two Xboxes, one modded, another for Live and System Link. The second Xbox won't be needed, so hopefully the trade-in cash from that will help out! :)
MASH 4077 said:
I think i might get it, isn't it coming around at christmas time?? If it is, i know what i am asking for.....
Yeah.'s handy-dandy program guide said that it would be released in November, so you can expect it to be right before Thanksgiving here in the States.
Rumor has it that the 360 will hit on the anniversary of the Xbox's launch, which was November 15th, I believe.

Good news to Livers, your subscriptions carry over. Microsoft's plan for global domination is proceeding on schedule.
I will definetly be getting one. The only reason I wouldn't is if it isn't backwards compatible. If it is then I'll sell my Xbox and use that money to help buy it.
The whole "backwards compatibility" thing is still a little murky. Only some Xbox games will be backwards compatible on the 360 initially, so don't expect to be able to play Jet Set Radio Future or Gunvalkyrie right at launch.
IceBladePOD said:
The whole "backwards compatibility" thing is still a little murky. Only some Xbox games will be backwards compatible on the 360 initially, so don't expect to be able to play Jet Set Radio Future or Gunvalkyrie right at launch.

Well that's good, I don't have either. :D
Anybody read the PD0 feature in Electronic Gaming Monthly? There wasn't a whole lot in it that couldn't be found through other gaming outlets during E3, but it's interesting stuff still.

If PD0 plays anything like Perfect Dark did for N64 it'll be a killer app. Heh, Rare could port Perfect Dark to the Xbox, fix the framerate and throw in Live! functionality and it'd be better than most FPS games out there.
I just dont like console that much its harder to move an analog stick, its easy to move a mouse, easier anyway, but i do have live right now, and halo 2 and Greg hastings tournament pb. is x-box 360 pretty much the same x-box with better processor, and g card, and you can do more, like access the web and stuff on it.
From what I've read, it sounds like all of the new popular games (Forza, Halo 2, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Rainbow Six 4, etc) will be backwards compatible. Some of the older and less popular titles may or may not work.

I think I've decided to keep my regular Xbox anyway, so backwards compatibility isn't an issue. I figure that it doesn't hurt to have an extra xbox in another room. Of course I might change my mind after I get the 360. How much will I play the Xbox after I get the 360 anyway?
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