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it's a lot of fun, but it can be intimidating if you are playing with people that would take advantage of you being new. I would recommend for you to create a game and then just explore the maps as both a spy and as a merc so you can get both perspectives. Then get some friends to go through it with you and either scrimage or explore.
Dan12R said:
With all the great games coming out over the next year, I've become curious as to who's getting which game(s). So that I get a chance to know what interests all of you guys and gals, I thought I'd ask which Xbox you plan on getting within the next year or so. Here's a list of what I intend to pick up when they become available:

Halo 2
Star Wars: Republic Commando
Forza Motorsport
Star Wars: Battlefront (debating between the PC and Xbox version. That depends on what version the people I know end up getting).

Have any of you played Forza Motorsport yet.....? I think its better than GT4!!!! Very Good game!!!
Tribe of Judah Halo 2 Clan

I was wondering if there was a Tribe of Judah Halo 2 clan. I noticed the name has been registered at, but since the stat reset, there hasn't been any activity (Of course, I'm basing this on the assumption that the ToJ and this ToJ are one in the same). Is the clan inactive?

If so, is there a possibility it might get rolling again?

Thanks - Ice
Hey there,

I'm not sure if we ever did have a Halo 2 clan. I would start one up if I could, but I recieved a defective copy of Halo 2 from eBay. *rolleyes*

I'll keep you posted, though. :)
I believe I authorized the creation of the clan on during the period when Tolkien was MIA and SirThom had stepped down from chapter staff. I'll need to dig through my e-mail archives for more details.
Okay, so setting aside the mystery of who registered the Tribe of Judah name at, if there isn't an active ToJ clan, would it be possible to start one?
Help wanted

I'm looking for someone that is willing to take charge of the Xbox chapter of TOJ. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to devote to the group. I'm still going to be an active member and I'm willing to help out as much as needed, but I don't think that I'm going to be able to lead the group due to my busy real life schedule.

If you think you might be interested in the position, please send a PM to either me or SirThom.
I think to bring life back to a chapter and start a guild, you'll need to have a group of active members who regularly play. If you can pull together an active group and have them post here regularly, I'm quite sure you'll be able to gain authorization to start up a Halo guild.
Thanks, Malohaut. The only trouble is I have a defective copy of Halo 2 from eBay, so I'm MIA for a little bit until PayPal processes my claim.
There should be other places you can get halo 2 like Walmart or maybe Best Buy? I would always advise that over ebay.

In the mean time, see if you can find out how many ToJ members play Xbox Halo2 and see if you can't get them together.

I'll be praying for you guys.
That's true. I have had many good experiences with eBay, so I figured I was safe, but I guess I lucked out. :D
Halo Clan

Hi, guys...
Just to let you know, I would be interested in joing the clan.
BTW, my brother-in-law tried to join the alliance and somehow never got in. His gamertag is mailgod. Is there any way to check? Should I tell him to re-submit? One more thing... my dad is having surgery Thursday (6/9) a.m.. Could you guys put him on your prayer list?


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