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hmm i'm thinking of getting NHL, will keep my season cravings during the lockout....

btw are we going to be resgistering for HALO2??
I've already got Halo 2 prepurchased. I did the free shipping option to save money, but the problem is that the free shipping option said that it could take up to three weeks.
Hopefully it will arrive quickly, but I might just have to rent it using the Blockbuster game pass until it shows up in my mailbox.
IGN Xbox has new information regarding details about the new Xbox Live Arcade service. A lot of people, including myself, expected packages of games to be $5 each, but it looks like they're going to be between $10-20 each.

I'm going to have to wait and see what's being offered for the $$$, but at the moment I don't think I'll be using the new service very much.

Check out the details at: IGN Xbox
per purchase

They offer free trials for games. If you like it, you can buy it and then it's downloaded to the Xbox and you own it from then on.

From what I understand, the games will of a lot of classic games, board games, and original creations based on classic games.

I'll play the trial games just for fun, but I seriously doubt that I'll be buying anything.
Interesting....I wonder how it'll do. I'm not to interested in it right now, especially since I probably own all of the games one way or another.
lol sry

ontopic: if most of us have one of those ESPN games we can setup a time...though i don't own any
, i can surely rent one...
I thought I'd bring this thread back to the front to see what kind of support we've got for this game with less than 30 days to release. If there's enough support, I suggest starting a ToJ sub chapter.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (.se3ker. @ July 13 2004,8:15)]pc users will be busy with doom 3 anyways...and then hl2 is slated for q4 too...ofcourse we're getting them on xbox but later.
Ewww, I will never play doom 3. Possibly quake 4...and of course half life 2. I hated the way halo felt on my computer..BUT I loved the xbox yeah..
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dan12R @ Oct. 15 2004,10:54)]I thought I'd bring this thread back to the front to see what kind of support we've got for this game with less than 30 days to release. If there's enough support, I suggest starting a ToJ sub chapter.
I've got it prepurchased, so you know I'll be playing!
i heard about it.....and supposedly my friends friend has been dling it for 3 days time my friends on im gunna ask what website hes dling it from (if it is a website) so i can report it to microsoft
K guys i am having a xbox live party for halo 2. So start adding ppl to your friends list so we can get everyone together for Nov. 9
My gamertag: Master Cheifs
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