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Is it for PC? Is there a demo??
Yes it is for PC. I will be starting a dedicated server for it in the near future.

Yes there is a demo. It is on the Star Wars DVD set released on the same day and is for the XBox. There is no PC demo yet.
Just wondering if there are people here who play the ESPN sports games.  If there is enough interest, I'll start TOJ leagues.
There are currently plans to release a PC demo. It'll be available on the game website. And Tolkien, you don't appear to be showing up on my friends list so send me an invite next time you're on. I'll probably be running a server tonight (if my ISP cooperates. My connection died the last time I was running a server).
I play ESPN NFL 2K5 occasionally. I'm thinking about getting NBA 2K5 as well, but I probably won't get it right away.
Darn, I should have checked this last night because I was online playing Battlefront. I'll have to put you back on my friends list. Sorry about that. I ran out of space on my gamertag list and had to go through and delete names and I was afraid that I had accidentally removed names that I didn't mean to.
i just got this game for x box......its...amazing......if i had broadband id play with you guys =( but i dont so i cant *cries*

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Tolkien @ Sep. 30 2004,2:10)]I ran out of space on my gamertag list.. many names can you hold in there?!!?

I know there are other limits too. Like with soundtracks...I think you can hold 100,000 songs total (even if you still have the space)


I hope to rent Battlefront within the month (I have free monthly rentals) so I should be able to check it out.

I might end up getting the PC version though..not sure
I'd suggest getting the PC version, as a lot of our ToJ members play on that; very few of them actually have an Xbox.
Tom, if you wanted to you could hold tournaments on the Xbox for Battlefront, and then just go out and rent the game for the week of the tournament.
This would allow you to own the game on PC, but still be able to meet with some friends on Live!.
I'd get it for PC, but I find that I actually prefer playing games on my Xbox rather than my PC. It's just more comfortable for me to sit back on the couch and play instead of sitting at my computer desk. (especially considering that with my job I'm stuck at a computer desk all day)

I've got Battlefront rented right now, but I doubt that I'll buy it because I probably won't play it anymore after Halo 2 comes out.
I actually recommend this one for Xbox unless you've got a joystick. I think it's easier to control vehicles with the Xbox controller than KB+M.
Hmmmm....tough decisions.........

Though I do have a joystick. I noticed would be easier to fly planes etc. in BF42 with a joystick......dunno.
If you're not sure which version to get, I would recommend renting the Xbox version and then trying the PC demo when that's released.
I think you can connect to the internet with your XBox besides through XBox Live. Xboxconnect and Gamespy allow you to do that, and they're free. You should go check them out.:)
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