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  1. T

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Never heard of them. Next person thinks Coke is better than Pepsi.
  2. T

    Best armor for Warriors now

    I love my Kurzick Sentinel Armor. Not only do I look like Sauron from LOTR, it gives me 100 armor at all times. You can get the non Kurzick sentinel at Kaineng Center though.
  3. T

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    FINALLY!!! I EXISTTTTTT! Janc's right lol. I still have 40 minutes though, so I'm not in a rush. The next person thinks that Anberlin is a good band.
  4. T

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Wrong, if youre talking about V from V for Vendetta. Otherwise, I'm probably wrong. The next person thinks that Aka_Ash's avatar is the Silver Surfer.
  5. T

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    With as much as I've seen you post today, Amen. :p The next person thinks that klondike bars aren't as good as the hype of the commercials.
  6. T

    Your favorite Worship song.

    I have 2 favorite worship songs. They were both sang a few times at my teen camp the year I got saved. The first one is Still by Hillsong My second favorite one is Jesus, Lover of my Soul also by Hillsong
  7. T

    Prayer request.

    What verse are you talkin about Paul? I've been looking for about 30 minutes and asked one of my friends but neither of us could find it. I'm guessing its in Jeremiah or Lamentations but couldn't find it.
  8. T

    Prayer request.

    I have an unspoken prayer request. There will be maybe 1-2 people that might found about it if I get on as the same time as them but for the main part I am keeping it private. Either way that the prayer comes out, it will change my life drastically. Please keep me in your prayers...
  9. T

    Prayer request. AKA see you all Wednesday/Thursday

    Please pray for me and my youth group. We will be goin to West Virginia tomorrow and we will be white water rafting on the New River. Please pray for safety on the roads and on the river. It was a great time last year and I can't wait to challenege the fury of nature in the form of somewhere...
  10. T

    Get to know your Guildies OR spam by any other name...

    Good guess. The next person to read this likes to eat cookies.
  11. T

    Anyone up for some PVP tonight?

    I might. I got 4 hours of sleep last night. If I can doze my way through driver's ed tonight and not be too tired when I get home, count me in.
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    The Off Topic Thread!

    I'm the Lead Minion of Dea. Hes the Head Minion of Dea. Take your pick.
  13. T

    Favorite Bible Verses

    Job 38 The entire chapter is amazing. Give it a read sometime.
  14. T

    Free will

    The fact that you wonder is sort of a testament to there being free will. If we didn't have a free will, then why would we sin? God would be running our lives and we wouldn't be able to. I believe He nudges us in the right direction, but He doesn't make us into mindless robots that he controls.
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    88.7 FM (Out of Columbus, Ohio) Christian Rock and Hip Hop, techno on one night, metal on another, good variety. Available at 92.3 FM (Out of Columbus, Ohio) Country music FTW! 95.5 FM (Out of Columbus, Ohio) Classic Country almost FTW! 97.9 FM (Out of Columbus, Ohio)...
  16. T

    Speaking in tongues: a discussion

    Since I got 4 hours of sleep last night, I'll post what I think on the subject but I don't have the verses yet. I'll look them up later if people want them. I believe that there is such a thing as speaking in tongues. I believe that it can only be spoken unless there is an interpreter there...
  17. T


    Christian: The Classic Crime Five Iron Frenzy Lifehouse All Together Seperate Anberlin Demon Hunter Emery Falling Up Family Force 5 FewLeftStanding (My friends from church's band. Great stuff. Their guitarist/singer drowned 2 months ago so their future is TBD. RIP Jered) Flyleaf FM...
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    I think Droks running will get just a little bit easier.

    Wow. Pretty good idea dude. Wish we could try it now.
  19. T

    Noob questions about the two campains!! :)

    You can't use Ritualist or Assassin in the Prophecies campaigns. That's one of the first things I looked for when I got Factions too. When you get to Lion's Arch, if you talk to Firstwatch Sergio, he will give you a quest called Brother Mhenlo's Request. It will take you there if you follow...
  20. T

    A win in HoH? Will it ever happen?

    Congrats bro. Just one question. Why is there an assassin in your group that won the HoH? Now that's something I thought I'd never see. :eek: