Noob questions about the two campains!! :)


New Member
Hey guys I just started a character in the Prophecy campain, but my question is how do I transfer that character over to the Factions campain when it is time?

Also how do I create an assasin for the Prophecy campain? It won't let me create on unless I am in the Factions section.

Thanks for the replys in advance! :)
You can't use Ritualist or Assassin in the Prophecies campaigns. That's one of the first things I looked for when I got Factions too.

When you get to Lion's Arch, if you talk to Firstwatch Sergio, he will give you a quest called Brother Mhenlo's Request. It will take you there if you follow the mission lineage.
1. When you get to Lion's Arch, talk to Firstwatch Sergio (The Skills Guy), he'll give you the quest to get to Cantha.

2. Assassins and Ritualists are only available in Cantha. (It'll be interesting to see if you can make them in Elona when Nightfall comes out...)

EDIT: Darn it, too late.
Also you might consider starting in factions.

You level more quickly, and can get over to the other continet more quickly, and you'll just get a faster start altogether. Prophecies starts kind of slow, and once you hit level 20, the game changes altogether, and you can do more with your guild/alliance mates

devineministry said:
Hey guys I just started a character in the Prophecy campain, but my question is how do I transfer that character over to the Factions campain when it is time?

Also how do I create an assasin for the Prophecy campain? It won't let me create on unless I am in the Factions section.

Thanks for the replys in advance! :)
If you want a Tyrian character but still want to level fast, just get to Lion's Arch as quickly as possible. Then go through the process to get to Kaineng Center. Once there, you can purchase MAX VALUE ARMOR. You can return to Tyria, or do some Canthan questing for fast leveling. Either way, your life just got much easier.

And no one has addressed it, but Canthan characters can head to Tyria as soon as they reach Kaineng Center, too. Lots of skill quests in Tyria...
One thing everyone forgot to mention. You cannot go to cantha until you have ascended. I don't want to spoil the story for you if this is your first time through Prophecies. But you will know when you are ascended. After you have ascended then you can go to cantah via teh quest given by Sergio.

And as everyone else said, non core classes are chapter specific so assassin and ritualist can only be made in factions/cantha and the dervish and paragon will only be made available through nightfall/elona.
Incorrect. I thought this too, buy my level 13 warrior went there last week

Maybe this changed.

Dauntless said:
One thing everyone forgot to mention. You cannot go to cantha until you have ascended. I don't want to spoil the story for you if this is your first time through Prophecies. But you will know when you are ascended. After you have ascended then you can go to cantah via teh quest given by Sergio.

And as everyone else said, non core classes are chapter specific so assassin and ritualist can only be made in factions/cantha and the dervish and paragon will only be made available through nightfall/elona.
techwhosaysnee said:
Incorrect. I thought this too, buy my level 13 warrior went there last week

Maybe this changed.

My mistake. I was just going off the information that Anet had provided as all my characters were ascended already and the other two started in factions so I've never been able to try that myself.
EDIT: argh! you are too quick Dauntless!

You do not have to ascend to get to Cantha from Lion's Arch. Anet originally said this was going to be the case, but it isn't. I too just took my then level 14 warrior from LA to Kaineng Center without ascending.

I recommend what MM said - getting to LA as fast as possible, leveling up there, getting some max AL armor, and then going back to Prophecies. A word of warning, Tyrian born characters can only do the two 15 point attribute quests in Prophecies, and Canthan born can only do the two in Factions.
Yeah, only Mirawyn and Axe were ascended when Paul and I took our characters over; neither Tarabeth nor Drian were (they still aren't). Don't know why it was changed, but it was.
Thrawn said:
2. Assassins and Ritualists are only available in Cantha. (It'll be interesting to see if you can make them in Elona when Nightfall comes out...)
Each expansion will have 2 characters exclusive to it. If you don't have a factions account, you will never be able to make an Assassin or Ritualist. If you don't get a Nightfall account, you'll never be able to make a Paragon or Dervish character. The Tyrian characters are the only ones always available. At least, this is how I understand it.