Prayer request.


New Member
I have an unspoken prayer request. There will be maybe 1-2 people that might found about it if I get on as the same time as them but for the main part I am keeping it private. Either way that the prayer comes out, it will change my life drastically. Please keep me in your prayers.

Praise/Update on my situation for the people who were at the Bible study a couple weeks ago.

God is good. (People respond: All the time) I have finally found peace in the death of my friend. In this peace, I have come back to God. And wow. I haven't felt this in so long. I don't know how I could be so stupid and crazy to not want this. It feels so good. My heart feels so weight free. I find that when I get into a bad mood, it ends right away. I find myself wanting to pray and thank God for everythign and ask for guidance instead of asking Him why I shouldn't doubt Him. Man is it good to be home.

Once again, God is good.
That is great news! I am so glad to hear that you are back walking and talking with the Lord, and I know exactly how you feel, with the burdens being lifted and wanting to pray all the time. It is an amazing thing! God is good indeed.

I will be praying for your unspoken request.
God is good! Why do we sometimes try and go through life without him. It is so much better to let God handle a situation than to try it on our own. It feels so good to just stop in the middle of the street, raise your hand, and say "Praise God". (not the middle of the street literally).
I will be praying for your special unspoken request. I am glad you've returned to God. C-Ya soon,
God is good. (People respond: All the time) I have finally found peace in the death of my friend. In this peace, I have come back to God. And wow. I haven't felt this in so long. I don't know how I could be so stupid and crazy to not want this. It feels so good. My heart feels so weight free. I find that when I get into a bad mood, it ends right away. I find myself wanting to pray and thank God for everythign and ask for guidance instead of asking Him why I shouldn't doubt Him. Man is it good to be home.

Once again, God is good.

I think that's what Solomon was talking about when he said that true happiness can only be found through mourning, because a mourner's heart is glad. Its one of those verses that makes absolutely no sense until you do mourn.

I think that's what Solomon was talking about when he said that true happiness can only be found through mourning, because a mourner's heart is glad. Its one of those verses that makes absolutely no sense until you do mourn.


WOW...God has surely given you the gift of Wisdom Paul. That's the second post today that could have only been inspired by God. They both speak volumes (to me at least).

Thrain, thrilled to hear it! I know the last couple of months have been very rough for you. When you've been through the valley, the view from the mountain is so much better!

Be praying for your other request.
What verse are you talkin about Paul? I've been looking for about 30 minutes and asked one of my friends but neither of us could find it. I'm guessing its in Jeremiah or Lamentations but couldn't find it.
Thanks for your prayer. Last night, everything blew up and the prayer was answered. Once again, thanks for the prayer.