I think Droks running will get just a little bit easier.


New Member
With the event this weekend we get a look at the paragon and the Dervish. I have been looking over the Dervish god form skills and I have determined that it will make running easier. Here is just a quickly thrown together concept for a warrior/dervish runner.


Avatar Of Balthazar [E]
For 1...48 seconds, you gain +40 armor, you move 33% faster, and your attacks deal holy damage. This skill is disabled for 120 seconds.

Healing Sig
Balanced Stance
Shields up
Endure pain
"None Shall Pass!"
(not sure on last skill)

This run build is based around the god form of Balthazar. While under it's influece at attribute level 12 you get 48 seconds of 33% faster speed, and +40 armor. As long as this doesnt get nerfed this is a fantastic replacement for "Charge"[E]. Because you can run for a much lonegr duration and get armor on top of that, plus you look sweet :p. I don't know about you but I can't wait!
vibrokatana said:
the problem is you need charge + balanced to get past the worms or they will keep on hitting you till eternity ends

I was thinking about that, but since Balanced stance is a "stance" and Balthazar is a "form" I was hoping one wouldn't strip the other. Since "Charge!" is a shout both Charge and balanced stance can stay up at once. since Balthazar is a form and balanced stance is a stance I would imagine they wouldn't strip one another. I'll try it out on the isle of the nameless when I get home from work. If anyone else can try this and post the results that would be great. Again this was just a random idea that popped into my head while being utterly bored out of my mind at work lol.
also no hex removal, so the places with combine golems and grawl will be a major issue, and the skill has a awfully long recharge
Ok let's change this up a bit then. Lets go D/Wa instead.

Avatar Of Balthazar [E]
Balanced Stance(to keep from getting knocked down)
"None Shall Pass!"(interrupt/ slow down enemies)
Signet of Piety(healing)
Faithful Intervention(self heal and enchant #1)
Vital Boon(extra health and self heal and enchant #2)
Pious Restoration(hex removal, must have 2 enchants up for this to work.)
Endure pain(last minute extra health)

Now this build will allow for longer running with a longer recharge, hex removal, balanced running, and self healing. Now the idea behind this is to be an easier run not necessarily a faster run. Aything else I've missed?

BTW Skills and descriptions can be found here.