Anyone up for some PVP tonight?


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Just wondering if anyone wanted to do some PVP tonight? just for fun. Some ViM or maybe some more practice time with Balanced?
I might. I got 4 hours of sleep last night. If I can doze my way through driver's ed tonight and not be too tired when I get home, count me in.
i dunno are there any other builds worth trying?
Gabe has a warrior and a monk to PvP or PvE with have an Elementalist (without starburst or shockwave :() Is there any build we could use? I don't know if he has WoH though. He has devoted alot of time in both...he probably has what he needs.

PS...we have no open character slots.
Well I got called in to work! NO!! But I will be on a little later than usual so I will Holla see you in on!
Heh, lucky you. My area is supposed to get hammered tonight...
In fact, I'm surprised it hasn't started yet. :confused: