God gave us free will to choose.. Jesus..
Jesus exerted His free while He lived on earth in bodily form, Choosing the will of the Father over His own, He submitted to God's will, He exorcised the Fathers will in everything!
is fully man (and God, but that is off topic-heh), so He knows what it's like when our enemy [flesh, world & devil] temps us! And is able to keep us from falling! He is the word of Life, and can exhort us to fully comprehend His Abiding Love!
When we try to live this life, God puts obsticles in our way to break us down.. To reveal the Son, who He set apart to
be our Life!
The gift of choice [freewill] incudes choosing
who to be.. Are we not now Son of God! How great is the Love the Father has lavashed on us, that we should be called Sons of God! And if a Son then an heir according to the promise! The promise being that
He shall be our God, and we shall be His people!
God has given us the Life of Jesus on wooden cross.. And, once we discover our futility in this life, 'tis just a matter of reckoning His Life as our own! 'Tis a FREE gift from God!
God will give His Glory to no other..