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  1. Tek7@Work

    Migration to XenForo (Sept. 2015)

    Oh wow, it is so much easier to post from a mobile device now. :D
  2. Tek7@Work

    Colours for new CGA Skin/Theme

    I think a "night reading" theme like CowRocket suggested is a great idea, though I already use f.lux and would probably opt for lighter colors if we need to stick with one theme for everything. How difficult is it to swap the palette for a skin? Maybe one night reading theme and then a...
  3. Tek7@Work

    Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix on sale for $3 on PSN through 9/14

    Sale ends tomorrow!!/en-us/games/super-puzzle-fighter-ii-turbo-hd-remix/cid=UP0102-NPUB30017_00-PUZZLEFIGHTER2FG This was my first purchase on my PS3 when I received it as a gift from Keero, Gator, and Grey a few years ago. My wife and I have logged many...
  4. Tek7@Work


    See, if we were running XenForo, I could click Like on this comment right now. :D Welcome to the forums, Richard!
  5. Tek7@Work

    Questions for XenForo pre-sales team

    This thread made my morning. Thank you so much, Richard! And welcome to the forums. I'm more excited than ever to make the move to XenForo now. I'm planning on performing the migration on Saturday, September 19 starting around 10-11 a.m. Central. I should have 5-7 hours where I can focus on the...
  6. Tek7@Work

    Questions for XenForo pre-sales team

    Atown is on a roll! I have a few questions in mind as well, but will wait until I have more time to type them out. Most importantly, I want to make certain we can control forum visibility and access using usergroups. Our current forums make extensive use of usergroups to control who sees what...
  7. Tek7@Work

    Best Phone apps for accessing forums?

    Chrome + Default Mobile Style + Disable signatures Win! At least, it works for me. Looks like we could install free add-ins for XenForo to support ForumRunner and/or Tapatalk. The app costs money for the user, though. :/
  8. Tek7@Work

    The vision for the Christian Gamers Alliance in 2015 and beyond

    Oh, hey, you're right. I use Chrome + Adblock Plus on nearly every computer I use daily, so I didn't see it. I had to load IE and view it that way to find the social media links. I'm ready to pay for the license at any time, but I need to contact Lloren and ask him if he's willing to install and...
  9. Tek7@Work

    I got a new (pre-owned) car!

    After car shopping on and off for about a year, I signed the paperwork and bought a new (pre-owned) car last night! This is at once a praise report as this marks the end of a long and tiring car shopping experience (I test drove so many vehicles it was hard to keep track of them all and I...
  10. Tek7@Work

    Nintendo President Satoru Iwata passed away Saturday (7/11) at age 55

    I can't believe he's gone. ;_;
  11. Tek7@Work

    Gamer Gate: Why aren't Christians more involved?

    After reading over the Deep Freeze web site, I decided to remove Gamasutra and Joystiq@Engadget from my RSS subscriptions. I don't want to de-rail this thread, but could anyone recommend new sites for gaming news? To provide context, I own a PC, Wii U, 3DS, and PS3, as well as older systems...
  12. Tek7@Work

    On anxiety and depression

    Wanted to share this Adam4d comic: He's already said what I wanted to say about the subject, so...that's it. Just a link and a short blurb from me.
  13. Tek7@Work


    I want to start out by clarifying that raising funds for the CGA dedicated server comes first because if there's no server, well, there's nowhere to install the forums. I posted this thread (1) to solicit input on switching from vB4 to XenForo and (2) to share a less immediate (that is, less...
  14. Tek7@Work


    Correct. That's the default theme out of the box. We could tweak the color scheme, add a logo and some graphics, and maybe even find a free or cheap theme to change the look. I set the demo up more for people to test the function than the form (though UI is important, too!). First, I wanted to...
  15. Tek7@Work

    E3 2015

    The Stanley Parable is on sale today!
  16. Tek7@Work

    Summer 2015 Steam sale

    What did you buy? What are you hoping will go on sale as a daily deal? What new, cheap games did you buy on impulse and what do you think of them? I'll start us off by posting I've only purchased Shantae: Risky's Revenge so far. As a DS Lite owner, I was disappointed when S:RR was released as...
  17. Tek7@Work

    E3 2015

    Persona 5 was featured, eh? I didn't watch the Sony press conference since I don't own a PS4--yet. I'm torn between continuing my self-imposed media blackout on Persona 5 or looking up the relevant E3 videos. I already own a PS1, a PS2, and a PS3, so I know it's extremely likely I'll buy a PS4...
  18. Tek7@Work

    fallout 4 for pc or xbox 1

    I find myself occasionally forgetting that most PC gamers don't have a TV/controller setup for their gaming PCs. I have mine connected to a 46" TV in the living room, which is wonderful for games with full controller support but not so hot for keyboard/mouse games. For FPS, RTS, some puzzle...
  19. Tek7@Work

    Gee, Thanks a lot Steam

    Will do. I'd like to hear your review of the controller after you have some time to play with it.