E3 2015


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
So who's been watching E3 coverage and what are you most excited about?

Of all the games revealed so far, I admit that the new Zelda 3DS game appeals most to me. Three-player local multiplayer? Sounds like a reason to buy a child a 2DS. :)
Stream of consciousness incoming:
-Fallout 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy VII remake by far.

-No Man's Sky still looks like something I want, but it was at last years so it doesn't count.

-Mass Effect: Andromeda, I refuse to get hyped about and I refuse to buy it until I've heard people say the last 15 minutes are as good as the rest of the game (I am STILL mad at Bioware over ME3, and deeply, deeply distrustful of them.)

-I really should buy a PS4. I do want to play Destiny still (but please, please come out on PC), but really I want more Ratchet & Clank. R&C is my favorite platformer series of all time. It is my go-to time to chill and just have fun game.

-Another Dark Souls means another game I'll buy and never get past the third or fourth boss but love it anyway. Mostly it's just supporting the developer at this point, I suck at it but love what they're doing kind of thing. I absolutely love the style of the games.

Battlefront III. Mildly hyped. If it's actually as good as it looks I'll probably have a blast.
Tomb Raider reminded me I haven't actually finished the last one. I should definitely do that.
The Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games looked good.
Sea of Thieves could be something that piques my interest, but hearing it's an MMO made me sad.
Super excited for Super Mario Maker. The part where it lets you design levels based on SMB, SMB3, SMW, and NSMB makes me super happy. I can't recall if that means their physics reflect the different palettes, but that'd be even cooler. Also, new DLC for Smash is too good. Finally can play as an approximation of MegaMan.EXE in a new game!

That Zelda looks like it could be awesome. Perhaps a spiritual successor to Four Swords?

Xbox One backward compatibility could make a strong pull for me...as long as Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragoon get supported and quickly. Those games are almost enough to get me to buy another 360. If they could be played on the One, I'd have no use for a 360.

I'm actually super excited for Heart of Thorns. Been reading up on what's coming and watching videos from past testing sessions, and it sounds great. Actually thinking that Guild Halls sound cool. Gliding sounds amazing (and immediately makes me think of Pilotwings). The new specs are too cool. Revenant sounds shiny. And the overall direction of NCSoft to focus on horizontal growth makes me very happy.
That Zelda looks like it could be awesome. Perhaps a spiritual successor to Four Swords?
Certainly sounds like it.

I haven't dared watched any videos yet because (1) baby is sleeping and (2) I don't need any further temptation to buy my daughter a 2DS just yet. :p

EDIT: I just watched this with the sound off and I am now so hyped:


What can I say? I'm partial to 3-player co-op action RPG games.

(Yes, I'm referencing Secret of Mana and Soma Bringer.)
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fan boy alert (I am a total Sony convert as of late. ps3/ps4/vita all the way)

I watched the SONY press conference in whole (wish I could have attended the movie theater for it, but, oh well)
I was mind-blown so many times that my mind leveled up so it could be mind-blown again. I am so excited about the line up for the PS4, I just sold my WIIU for more Sony store credit.
Game after game look ridiculously fun and I have no idea how I will ever get the time to play them all.

Some of my favorites from the conference were:
FF7 remake!
Shenmue 3 Shenmue 3 Shenmue 3 Shenmue 3 Shenmue 3
Persona 5
The Last Guardian
Horizon: Zero Dawn
No Man's Sky
Uncharted 4

I definitely feel like I made the right choice in selling my Xbox and Wii U and I would sell my PC at this point too if I didn't need it for non-gaming items.
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Persona 5 was featured, eh? I didn't watch the Sony press conference since I don't own a PS4--yet. I'm torn between continuing my self-imposed media blackout on Persona 5 or looking up the relevant E3 videos.

I already own a PS1, a PS2, and a PS3, so I know it's extremely likely I'll buy a PS4 when the price drops and I get through more of my backlog. I also know that my monetary discipline might suffer if Sega ever announces Yakuza 6 is getting a North America release on the PS4. :)

I <3 all my gaming hardware and I'm hyped about what Nintendo showed for Wii U and 3DS.
The only horse I have in this race is HoT. Watched the presentation video here at home. Sounds like Heart of Thorns will be the crazy fun kind of tough to play. Hyped enough to prepurchase that expansion.
Fire Emblem: Fates looked good. :) No mention of it being sold as three separate games here as it is in Japan, which would make me happy (though I wouldn't be buying the Black Kingdom version anyhow; not impressed with the female characters).
No Man's Sky, but fear it'll be a bad game and/or P2W
Wait, will No Man's Sky be free-to-play?

Will it have multiplayer?

And why am I not using Google to answer these questions?
