Stream of consciousness incoming:
-Fallout 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy VII remake by far.
-No Man's Sky still looks like something I want, but it was at last years so it doesn't count.
-Mass Effect: Andromeda, I refuse to get hyped about and I refuse to buy it until I've heard people say the last 15 minutes are as good as the rest of the game (I am STILL mad at Bioware over ME3, and deeply, deeply distrustful of them.)
-I really should buy a PS4. I do want to play Destiny still (but please, please come out on PC), but really I want more Ratchet & Clank. R&C is my favorite platformer series of all time. It is my go-to time to chill and just have fun game.
-Another Dark Souls means another game I'll buy and never get past the third or fourth boss but love it anyway. Mostly it's just supporting the developer at this point, I suck at it but love what they're doing kind of thing. I absolutely love the style of the games.
Battlefront III. Mildly hyped. If it's actually as good as it looks I'll probably have a blast.
Tomb Raider reminded me I haven't actually finished the last one. I should definitely do that.
The Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon games looked good.
Sea of Thieves could be something that piques my interest, but hearing it's an MMO made me sad.