managed to push out a basic light theme based of the dark one, will finish it up sunday any glitches, but included the file so it can be used now
Two themes are done a White,Red, Black and Grey (light)
and a Black, Red, and white theme
light needs a few more tweaks , but is usable
Download Files and XML file.
Step 1 upload the contents of the Upload contents folder to the doc root of the forum (so in same area as index.php etc) its safe to overwrite, as the edited images in styles will need to overwrite the default ones
Step 2 : import the XMLs file provided in the zip (style-CGA-Dark-&-Red.xml and style-CGA-Light-&-Red.xml) via the xenforo admincp > appearance > import style
Step 3 select which you want as default via the appearance > styles page, its the toggle/circle next to the name