Search results

  1. P

    Roll Call!

  2. P

    New Site: The Music Wire

    Nice! "Page appear messed up? Get Firefox!" Heh, so did you design it for firefox? Or just not bother testing it in IE?
  3. P

    shyfroggy banned?!!!

    I'm going to assume Counter-Strike 1.6, or Source.
  4. P

    Warning: Venturing outside could turn you into a popsicle

    Mhmm..Grape popsicle. I want some. Oh well..I'll go make Chai Tea.
  5. P

    Half Life 2 Mod: Smod

    Smod is a japenese mod made for Half Life 2. That being said, it is actually pretty cool. See my blog post here, and random screenshots here. Feel free to click on my ads, I know they look bad but I'm low on cash. Not that I will see the money soon anyway, but yeah. Read the post, download...
  6. P

    Does Tek look like Gordon Freeman?

    I was going to post something about that..but I realized that this thread has a poll. I think if someone votes in an old poll, it brings the thread back up?
  7. P

    Valentine's Day

    Hahaha, awesome. That would totally be my response, I totally forgot about it too.
  8. P


    Depends if I could get one of my friends to come with me or not..and also if I'm off work. ^_^
  9. P


    I'm about a three-four hour drive from seattle..I'm not 100% sure as I was much younger when I did it, I have never driven there myself and timed it.
  10. P

    New Temporary Server

    :D :p Click here for more information on the solitaire h4x.
  11. P

    The signatures?

    YAY! It was all me. :)
  12. P

    xbox haxs?

    Moderator's note: Link deleted. What you do with your XBox is up to you, but please don't post links to sites with information about modchips.
  13. P

    New Temporary Server

    Which distro you using?
  14. P

    Anybody picking up Command and Conquer: The First Decade?

    Me too. :) I have such good memories of playing Red Alert over the modem with my friend across the street..ahh good times.
  15. P

    Gamesnet has angered zealot....

    Another example of a thread that should have been left alone. "Bork Bork Bork" :P
  16. P

    Preparing to Format - Advice Wanted.

    Thanks. Got my computer reformatted. :) I tried using Norton Ghost, but it wasn't working the way I wanted it to. I guess I will end up using Picasa 2 as well.
  17. P

    Alternatives to 1&1?

    They would probably have to purchase the full Windows XP Pro, not the upgrade. Maybe Windows Server 2003, which probably costs more.
  18. P

    Preparing to Format - Advice Wanted.

    I had some minor surgery done on my feet this morning.. (more specifically I had a couple of serious ingrown toenails removed, I've had them for around 3 years.) I'm off work for at least a few days..if you could pray that I recover quickly that would be great. :) Let me get to the point. I...