Anybody picking up Command and Conquer: The First Decade?


New Member
It comes with every Command and Conquer installment in existence on the PC as well as their expansion packs, all for 40 dollars. Not too terribly bad. It's only the greatest RTS franchise of EVAR. That's right, I said "EVAR" Starcraft fanboys.
Since I already own most of these I probably won't pick this up. Though you are mistaken on the title you gave C&C, they are entertaining but definitely not at the top. If C&C had a better online game then it might come close to Blizzards own entry into the arena but the Command and Conquer online play was always pretty terrible (though I haven't played generals).
I used to endlessly play Red Alert games on LAN against my brother. He'd always win but I took pride in my strategic base development... He went on to become crazy good at Empire Earth, and I went on to play Sim City and Sid Meier games. Heh.
Uh rule #1 Starcraft > anything else

It's only the greatest RTS franchise of EVAR.
If the games got progressively good after the first Red Alert, I would probably agree, however its not the case. I was a C&C fan too until I got the brand new Tiberium Sun game and saw how they have no new tricks or features. Every C&C game is the same. Plus when I played on the internet it was pretty much people making engineers as fast as they could to take over bases... Red alert was an awsome game that I played for a long time, but you can't just take the same game, slap in different looking units and call it a new game. From what I saw is C&C got little better graphics, slapped in different looking units(same game dynamics) and called it a new game. Blizzard made that mistake with the warcraft series, but at least they didn't do it like 20 times.
I started playing C&C games when I was 9 or 10 on Sega Saturn. I loved the original C&C, I played it many hours. I was extreamly excited when Red Alert came out and it too was a great game. After Red Alert 2 came out I got bored with the series, mainly because my attention was on HL/CS, but they became repetitive I think. And I think alot of it was after CS I was mainly an online/multiplayer gamer and overlooked the single player. One of the greatest things about C&C was the story lines, character acting, cinematics, etc.

I played Starcraft for the first time last week and I am enjoying it. I started at the very beginning and plan on playing the whole way through, I might even pick up one of the novels written by Blizzard employies. From what I read Starcraft 2 doesn't look to far away, so I'll be caught up on the whole story by then.
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kraniac said:
I used to endlessly play Red Alert games on LAN against my brother. He'd always win but I took pride in my strategic base development... He went on to become crazy good at Empire Earth, and I went on to play Sim City and Sid Meier games. Heh.
Same thing that would happen with me. I'd make a sweet little city thing and then my friend who had been working on his army comes over, puts a hole in my wall, and starts building his city inside mine! Of course I don't really have a say in the matter because he just built his town center where my barracks used to be (or whatever they were called in AoE2)!

But I might just pick this up sometime if I'm ever in the mood for some RTS, because I get like that sometimes.
Exo-Slayer said:
Since I already own most of these I probably won't pick this up.

Me too. :)

I have such good memories of playing Red Alert over the modem with my friend across the street..ahh good times.
MeridianFlight said:
It comes with every Command and Conquer installment in existence on the PC as well as their expansion packs, all for 40 dollars. Not too terribly bad. It's only the greatest RTS franchise of EVAR. That's right, I said "EVAR" Starcraft fanboys.
Oooh...I think I'll have to pick this up. All the C&C CDs I have are corrupt. =P