shyfroggy banned?!!!


I couldn't believe it....I was on a 1.6 server playing, actually playing fairly well and first I got warning, no explanation, just kicked...then I went back in to play and I was kicked and banned that actually seemed to be a pretty nice just really shocked me!
I always knew, somehow, I always knew...


I'm joking with you, all you have to do is e-mail the clan, and ask for the ban to be removed.
No biggie.

WOOT THANG! That means your getting that good now sis, you go girl.
Soemtimes, people are jerks and they'll ban you just for being better then them. I've actually seen an admin on another server slay the opposite team just becasue his was losing. I then called him a cry baby and got banned. :D
I have been banned from many servers. Most of them pubs. I have been banned from all the exsports servers. (I think they have 4) I have been banned from the texas girls server. So, don't be surprised if you are banned. Though it does mean your getting better. Sorry to hear you got banned, but you know you are always welcome on the GFC SERVERS!!! hehe.
LOL. I am so sorry that you were banned but I have to agree with everyone here. You are getting that good. Of course it will most likely be a while before I get banned for being good. ;) lol
Just curious, and I do know this is the Frozen Throne thread, but what game were you playing that you were banned for being good on? Again, just curiosity :)