Valentine's Day

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Legitimate holiday founded to foster love between people and give romantic hopefuls a gentle nudge? Or fake holiday based on exploiting men and women who feel socially obligated to spend money in order to alleviate fears of abandonment and/or social stigma?

If you want to rant about Valentine's Day, this is your opportunity. Just keep it civil.
Tek7 said:
Or fake holiday based on exploiting men and women who feel socially obligated to spend money in order to alleviate fears of abandonment and/or social stigma?

You hit the nail on the head there! Based on ALL the commercials I have seen advertising all sorts of services. I would say this holiday is fast approaching the consumerism level of halloween (not capitalised since its a pagan celebration). Valentines is as much an expression of love as halloween is an expression of life. Nowadays its more like who can buy their "special" somebody the most. Is spending money truely and expression of love, or is it an expression of status?
Fake holiday. I hate it. Fortunately, centuries ago, when I first started dating my wife, we instituted a "no extravagant stupid holidays" rule, and I can get by with a card and token gift, and save the good stuff for Christmas, birthday, and anniversary.
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. My sister claim's it is a grudge I hold against Cupid cuz he missed my heart and hit me in the eye, but she is... *cough* anyway I don't like it anyway I mean who wants to get shot by a naked baby-like psychopath with a Vampiric Longbow of Lovitude Piercing Dmg. 15-22 (req. 12 Marskmanship) 13% faster recharge when using Love skills
ChickenSoup said:
I don't celebrate Valentine's Day. My sister claim's it is a grudge I hold against Cupid cuz he missed my heart and hit me in the eye, but she is... *cough* anyway I don't like it anyway I mean who wants to get shot by a naked baby-like psychopath with a Vampiric Longbow of Lovitude Piercing Dmg. 15-22 (req. 12 Marskmanship) 13% faster recharge when using Love skills

Wow getting hit in the eye would kind of hinder the gaming experience. I totally agree with not celebrating Valentine's Day. It is way to over-rated. Only thing I like about Valentine's day is the candy and there isn't eevn all that much going around.
I'm indifferent, Tek hates it...although there was the one Valentine's Day before we were even dating when he tried to give me a "gentle nudge." Hee hee. :-)

So yeah, I don't think it's quite a "real" holiday, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun sometimes.
I don't think today's definition of Valentine's Day really makes it a holiday, since holiday is derived from "holy day". Valentine's day sure ain't holy anymore! =P
A holiday celebrating your love for someone...that one day when you can go above and beyond in recognizing that special someone in your life.....

that's 1¢ from shyfroggy and 1¢ from babo!!!
so that's our 2¢!!!
Come on folks! It's just a day set aside to show our appreciation for our loved ones. Condemning the day because it’s a supposed conspiracy for commercialism or calling it a 'fake' holiday is just absolutely ridiculous.

Shyfroggy described it perfectly.
The FUN thing about Valentine's Day is trying to think of that 'special' gift to give your beloved. It's just a day set aside to show your love. Not really much different than a birthday, other than I also give my kid's (in addition to my wonderful husband) a token of my love on this special day!! And, I don't feel guilty about it!
Valentine's Day is awesome. I guess it is because it is something special shared between my hubby and me. I am amazed at the thoughtfulness of the gifts and the special sentiments that seem to be a little more special every year. We remember the Valentine's past, the celebrations and use it as an opportunity to teach our daughter about how a man should treat a woman. All in All, a great holiday.

But....I am glad it is only once a year.

so far i dont mind becuase im actually moving forward/ 1 step forward,9/10ths back, in a relationship/friendship and its wierd and like valentines like hooked me up
Of course Valentine's Day is wonderful. The anti-depressants kicked in at about 2 this afternoon, and I've been FEELING SUPER HAPPY ever since.


I posted this quote once already, but I'm going to do it again because there's another Valentine's thread.

"Random thoughts for Valentine's Day, 2004: Today is a holiday invented by greeting card companies to make people feel like crap."
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jango said:
Like every other holiday, it's whatever you make of it.

Jango hit the nail on the head.....and I choose to make it a special day to remind my family how much I love them. I do give gifts to my kids as well as my husband, but I also call my folks and tell them too. Either way, it's a reminder of what they mean to me!!!