Alternatives to 1&1?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
We had previously selected 1&1 as the next dedicated hosting provider for Tribe of Judah game servers, but they recently bumped their server rates fifty dollars a month. Starting today, I'm taking suggestions for alternatives to 1&1.

Fundraising will continue, though our goal may increase depending on the hosting provider we select.
I have 1and1 as my webhost and I have to say, so far their tech support is atrocious. I've never ever reached anyone on their phone line and the email support takes forever to get a reply. In my case, over a week. I don't think I'll be renewing with them when the 6 months is up.

I have no idea who a good server host would be but I'll do some digging.
couldn't we just all pitch in and build a server of our own and then attach it to the fastest connection possible within our funding options. From what i've read on the specs of one of these it's pretty much a basic computer.
I don't know how servers are hooked up exactly but I'm sure one of you all could shed some light on the subject.
Someone would have to have it in their home or office with a dedicated line. All of the games give away the server software don't they?
As far as an OS could we just buy windows xp or whatever to use on it.
Yes the computer may be a large expense but it's usually only one time
expense until the next upgrade. :)
The only problem with that is that you're not gonna be able to find a fat enough bandwidth pipe delivered to your house. These companies pay a premium to be able to connect their servers (usually housed in a large room full of servers) to a high-bandwidth pipe that's directly connected to the Internet backbone. That's why these companies make money. They provide a service that we cannot attain ourselves.
hescominsoon said:
I have a christian isp that will provide us with a 10 megabit connection with unlimited transfer for 50/month. All we have to do is build/buy a 1-4U rackmount server and ship it out there. The server can be had for between 750-2500 depending on the deals i can find and what kind of specifications we want.

I like this idea. What kinda price we looking at forthe 1-4U rackmount server? Maybe I should read the post. (edited)

ps.gone rackmount server looking on the web.
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For a decient system capable of handeling TOJ needs, about $2000.

for a 4U rackmount, which includes dual AMD Opteron CPU's
each cpu with 1GB ram (total 2GBs)
with dual 120GB hard drives in RAID 1
and a few years onsite support.

Just to say a few specs
Linux or Windows-- 32 bit or 64 bit?
Seems there was some issue with the linux system with certain games.
It would be linux 32, we choose which distro, christian ISP is offering free setup.

Old box specs:
AMD 64 Athlon 3000+
1gb PC3200 DDR400
Single 80gb 7,200 RPM hard drive
10mbit pipe both ways.
It was linux, not sure which distro.
2TB/month bandwidth (not sure on cost)

It ran: 21 slot cs1.6 server, 16 slot CS:S, CGA/TOJ TS2 server, and 16 slot Natural Selection server (at the last point before perminant shutdown) (i think)

If anyone is wondering, if 10mbit pipe both ways is enough, it can run about 100 Counter-strike or CS:S player slots at 20000 rate.
hescominsoon said:
uh isp has a 99 dollar setup fee. Linux is the OS of choice due to it being free. If you want to run winders figure another 500-1k jsut for the os licneses. Previous distro was FC2. Linux distro for this box(if bought) is reccomended to be Centos-4(RHEL-4).

On the Windows OS why is the cost so high is it a special type of Windows and why couldn't you just use Windows XP pro? Shouldn't XP pro suffice?

ps.I am in a learning mode ,hence questions. :)
They would probably have to purchase the full Windows XP Pro, not the upgrade. Maybe Windows Server 2003, which probably costs more.
In our experience, linux handles game servers much better, both HCS and I have/run game servers and run very smooth in linux compared to windows. Both HCS and I know CentOS-4 well enough to run TS, game servers and web servers (between the both of us we got it covered), so we dont have to worry about not being able to run it if its linux. Old box was Linux and Plankeye ran it.
To back up Talon and Hescominsoon, I would prefer Linux for any server, including web servers but especially game servers. There are a few games that only have Windows-based servers, but I think those games are made by Sony. 'nuff said.
So we need a 4U rack case. correct? or a 1U?
then a motherboard and cpus,

Western Digital 150GB raptors- 4.6 ms access time.- cream of the sata ide crop.

Lets piece one together and see what we come up with.

Rack Server = $2000 Once done= $50 a month = priceless!
Raptors wont be needed for the setup. The system would be built by a company that provides onsite support and repair.

You can peice together a good system for about $2000 on newegg and build it, but it doesnt come with onsite support.