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  1. BlockHeadLewie

    Merry Christmas, add yours!

    There's a special day called Christmas Celebrated from mountain to isthmus, To celebrate it best We must surely bequest A "Merry Christmas" to all that's among us! (Love you all and there's nothing you can do about it! Merry Christmas!)
  2. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday December 15, 2017

    James 1:8 (KJV): "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." Sometimes we forget our place. Oh we're focused on the Word of God, making efforts to fulfill The Great Commission and even service to further advance God's Kingdom. But Satan never strays far from us believers. He'll use every...
  3. BlockHeadLewie

    Returning to the server...

    It's still there! Well, the original is, the new one isn't unless the address has changed. Still running an older version and still quite functional. Seeing as no one's been on in a while I'm guessing it must have missed activity since when I first logged in there were about 12 zombies (some...
  4. BlockHeadLewie

    If God is the Pilot and Jesus is the Co-Pilot while The Holy Spirit maintains our flight path...

    If God is the Pilot and Jesus is the Co-Pilot while The Holy Spirit maintains our flight path, the only job left on the plane is steward...
  5. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday December 8

    Because of my absence and to promote a positive influence to everyone, let's go back to the beginning: Genesis 1: 1-2 says: "1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God...
  6. BlockHeadLewie

    Thursday, Dec 7, 2017, Jerusalem... Finally

    I agree 100%. Progress of any kind, large or small, is indeed progress. And yes: Thank God!
  7. BlockHeadLewie


    So a few of us keep the home fires burning I guess! I never really got deep into the computer race. Couldn't really afford it to be honest, let alone my, erm, blockheadedness with modern technology. Now give me a computer running on DOS and I may do well. I'm actually lucky enough to understand...
  8. BlockHeadLewie


    Been so long I almost feel obligated to say hello again. In fact I think I will! Hello! I read somewhere that we may make the plans, but it's God who directs our steps. Well I had planned to be a valuable asset to CGA as well as my own group (Prism/CCGR). However things went slightly sour in our...
  9. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    Sorry it took so long to get back. Things are going to get better, I just know it! Joanne is showing signs that she is making efforts in many areas. Although there are still some failures and many moments of "I just can't do it" from her, hope has shown itself! (Along with the proof that God...
  10. BlockHeadLewie

    Please pray for my wife and myself...

    I am quite sure everyone that has been praying for us will not stop. I enjoy the fact there ARE people who care! Thank You! Seems my wife got a bit anxious over everything and I was forced to focus on her more than anything else, even myself. Prayer DOES work! Things aren't exactly better, but...
  11. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    I guess we'll just have to be patient, huh? :cool:
  12. BlockHeadLewie

    New Server Announcement!

    I'm trying to find some time to get on the server, but reality has me held tight. (Stupid reality!) I'm trying!
  13. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday July 15, 2016

    I began this series of verses to give both myself encouragement through my situations as well as maybe show that even in the most serious of battles (like that which I'm going through) can be turned into Joy. I now come to the bindings which has the potential to not only strengthen our armor...
  14. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday July 8, 2016

    Now the first thing that pops out at me is Salvation and The Word of God are mentioned at the same time. Coincidence? I think not! The Word of God is, in all cases, The Will of God and His Spirit can indeed cut through anything! If it is true, and I firmly believe it is, that The Word of God is...
  15. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    ??? **polite bump** ???
  16. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Downtime

    Thank you!
  17. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday July 1, 2016

    "Above all" makes it sounds important to me, what about you? I do believe blocking attacks is an important part of our fight against Satan. Notice the words "all the fiery darts"? Not one method Satan has can get past faith in Jesus! However "above all" doesn't mean more important. It means "in...
  18. BlockHeadLewie

    Friday June 24, 2016

    Rather interesting this is the next verse in line considering the things I've been facing lately! Praise God! I have heard many people say: "In our walk with Christ we can be sure nothing will go wrong." This is, as many followers of Jesus will attest to, is completely false. Jesus Himself told...
  19. BlockHeadLewie

    Announcing ToJ Chainworld!

    Any progress with this? I'm so curious I may turn into a cat just for the satisfaction to bring me back!
  20. BlockHeadLewie

    Server Showcase and Updates!

    I expect to (FINALLY) get working on the maze this weekend. If someone with uber skilz in screenshot taking would be so kind as to let everyone see my new cabin, that would be nice? Thank you!