You're not a true believer unless you can...

Having Jesus in you is having Jesus in you.... Just saying your christian doesnt make it so. And once hes there I dont think you can get rid of him.

He has shown himself alot in the old times, but people just defied him more and more. So I guess he just doesnt bother anymore for everyone. He has shurely shown himself to me many times.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Having Jesus in you is having Jesus in you.... Just saying your christian doesnt make it so. And once hes there I dont think you can get rid of him.

Why do you have such a hard time with this? Having "Jesus in you" doesn't make you invulnerable to Free Will. It is your choice to reject Him or not.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]He has shown himself alot in the old times, but people just defied him more and more. So I guess he just doesnt bother anymore for everyone. He has shurely shown himself to me many times.

You're missing the point. By God showing himself He has allowed us to see His character, that is how we know what God is like.
No.... Once God is the Truth to you... then you of course cannot change it. If you somehow can say God was real and now he isnt.. well then He must have never been the truth in te first place.

We know how God is like.... yeah.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 05 2004,11:35)]I didnt say you were Satanic.... But you are his.
You choose to give into the temptation, Satan created them because Satan chose to do them. God created Satan as an ANgel but Satan Chose to rebel.

God knows what choice you will make, you still have the choice.

He knows if you will defy him or follow him, you still get to choose he just knows which you wil pick. God doesnt send you to hell, He lets you follow Satan there.
Byblos, you are not making sense....

How can you still have the choice if god already knows what you are going to choose? That is not free will, that's predestination.

And why is it illogical to hate god for creating satan, especially if, as you say, god knew what satan would be and cause?
so once saved always saved is Byblos thinking,

that is good news for DV and Bill since they have quote "fallen" away. they have choosen to reject Christ for now, or atleast his religion.

But the god that Byblos follows doesnt care, so hey we will all party in heaven together.
No... God lets you choose... Just because he knows what choice you will make doesnt mean you dont have the choice... YOu are not making sense.

God created Satan knowing he would rebel yes. But He gave satan the choice because God is pro-free will.... If He wouldnt have created satan because he knew he would rebel then he would have been destroying Satan's free will.

Huh LOJ??? I didnt say anything Like that. I said If Jesus is the truth and you know that, how could that possibly change? Are you saying that you LOJ could oen day possibly reject Jesus?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]No... God lets you choose... Just because he knows what choice you will make doesnt mean you dont have the choice... YOu are not making sense.

Your choice is already made before you make it... But you still have Free Will to make it...

Byblos, god created us. Thus, according to you, he created us in such a way that will lead us down the road to salvation or oblivion. With your logic, which path we take is not our decision.

Why would god create a being like satan if he knew what he would become? Why? And why would you want to believe in a god that would inflict so much pain upon the earth's people as a result?
yes, and i did for seven months, i basicly turned my back on God and ignored his every calling and choose to do what i wanted.

i never compromised my purity, but i was not the most christian person.

What you dont realize too is you havent studied demonology, which is the study of angels. angels where created with out free will. they where created to serve God, they did not have a choice. then again you wont find much scripture on anything really in the topic so its just a bunch of hersay dogma that doesnt really matter much. not enough to divide the church, or anyone else, its nothing to be dogmatic about.
its the same. you can not ignore Christ with out denying him.

Christ was either a lunetic or the person he claimed to be. he was not a good moral teacher, his teachings do not allow for that.

C.S Lewis Meer Christianity.
well then you havnt Denied him and that is my point, I am sayoing once he is true in your life you cannot deny him. Ive said it already 3 times.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mr.Bill @ Oct. 05 2004,3:51)]Byblos, god created us.  Thus, according to you, he created us in such a way that will lead us down the road to salvation or oblivion.  With your logic, which path we take is not our decision.  

Why would god create a being like satan if he knew what he would become?  Why?  And why would you want to believe in a god that would inflict so much pain upon the earth's people as a result?
Yarr, I am tired of not being responded to. I think this merits a response.
It is our decision....

Dude..... Just like Satan humans Rebelled, do you think God would have been rightous in not creating humanity because some of us will rebel?
sure you can. i have known many a pastor, and elder in the church after 20 30 or even 50 years of serving God, something happens in their life, they can not see or understand why, they ask God, no answer or the answer they dont want, and they reject God and begin to denounce Him.

its not the theist or athiest you have to worry about, its the former Christians who know all the studies and everything you have learned. they sat in church and listened to sermons much like you do Byblos, they even went a step further i bet to read and study God's word. thats why in almost every post you reject what they say and just go back to your feelings.
uhhh.... I study the bible.. Ive really had enough of this Legalist crap... This is no Gathering of Saints but a group of KNow it alls who have to know everything.

God wants us to come to him as children, not as big headed know it alls.
Byblos! How is it our decision is god created us in a specific way so as to force us to go one way or the other!?

And weren't we pure and sinless until satan came into the picture?
No.... we chose to obey satan and to defy God. We were born with 100% free will and Adam CHOSE to defy God, IT was a choice.
Adam chose to do what he knew was wrong. He was decieved by Satan... Yes I have Read... Sure Eve was the one who told adam to do it, but Adam knew it was wrong and chose to do it anyway...