You're not a true believer unless you can...

LOL, well at least you're honest
Truly, I simply trust the LORD and do the best I can with the knowledge that I have.  I try to increase that daily.  He knows my heart and I am thankful that this is what is most important to Him.  He can correct and instruct me when I am wrong.  I love Him.  I have faith in Him.  I trust Him.  He leads and guides me.  What others believe is not my concern, only that they believe in Jesus' gift of Salvation.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What others believe is not my concern, only that they believe in Jesus' gift of Salvation.

So it doesn't matter HOW they come about salvation, just as long as they get to it?

That's either extremely open minded or extremely closed minded.

The majority if Christians do no go by that philosophy. They believe Salvation is attainable in ONE and ONLY ONE fashion.

Please correct me if I am wrong in this.

Either way, it doesn't sound like it matters to you, because you are content to serve your God in any fashion that suits you. Is that a correct interpretation>
It is not what suits me...that is, what would suit my flesh. If that were the case, I would obtain salvation by never going to work, being a millionaire and eating all the various chocolate ice cream I could get my hands on. Lets see...I would also,...well, you get the point. No, I try to go by God's Word on that one and am in hopes others will do the same. Salvation is by faith in the LORD Jesus Christ and Him Crucified!
I try to go by the teachings of Christ. What I meant by not caring what others believe, barring Salvation, was that when we start splitting hairs over tongues, angels dancing on pins, Jesus and where the lost works is pointless. The overall teaching of the Bible is Jesus' death on the Cross. Then, to love God most and put Him first, and to love others! aaaahhhhh, you know, everything He requires is so easy!
DV? Have you ever argued with a dead horse?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 15 2004,11:30)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 15 2004,11:16)]It is good to think about things. Nothing wrong with testing. But it does say in the bible that "Thou shalt not put thy Lord thy God to the test." Not that that's what you're doing, just making sure nobody takes it the wrong way.

Nothing wrong with the truth. I believe, if there's something worth holding onto, it's God's love. God's love is unconditional. There has to be a creator or God if you look at our world. How else could've this happened? Keep looking. Never stop wondering about God.
Then shouldn't 1 Thessalonians 5 say, "Test everything...except for God. Hold on to the good."

I believe YOU are now the one taking things out of context.  "Do not test God your Lord" (Deut. 6:16).  The contextual meaning of this verse is that "We are commanded not to test God by asking for a miracle or demanding an immediate reward for our good deeds".

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]There has to be a creator or God if you look at our world. How else could've this happened? Keep looking.

That is a completely one-sided view of life.  No offense, but there are MILLIONS of people that will disagree with your view.
First of all, that's not what I said. YOU are taking things out of context. I never referred to 'not test God' to never stop questioning God. I said exactly what you said. You interpreted it the wrong way.

Second of all, your statement that millions of people disagree with me is dead wrong. You are being one-sided saying I am one-sided. There a more people who believe in a creator than not. That is a fact.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I try to go by the teachings of Christ. What I meant by not caring what others believe, barring Salvation, was that when we start splitting hairs over tongues, angels dancing on pins, Jesus and where the lost works is pointless. The overall teaching of the Bible is Jesus' death on the Cross. Then, to love God most and put Him first, and to love others! aaaahhhhh, you know, everything He requires is so easy!

That's what I was asking. Salvation is end of your concern.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]DV? Have you ever argued with a dead horse?

No, but I've beaten one
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]First of all, that's not what I said. YOU are taking things out of context. I never referred to 'not test God' to never stop questioning God. I said exactly what you said. You interpreted it the wrong way.

If I misinterpreted, then I apologize.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Second of all, your statement that millions of people disagree with me is dead wrong. You are being one-sided saying I am one-sided. There a more people who believe in a creator than not. That is a fact.

First, note that I was not claiming that there were more Atheists than Believers.

Secondly, where are you guys getting your figures from?

According to Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist make up 14% of the world's population, or 850 million. If you single out Atheists alone, you're looking at 200 to 250 million people.

In the United States , 7.5% of the population is considered nonreligious. Using a Sept. 2003 estimate of a US population of 291,950,153, that would make 21,896,261 nonreligious people in the US alone.

Even if you used Byblos' 3% of the world, with a conservative estimate of 6 billion people, that makes 180,000,000 atheists worldwide.

How was my term MILLIONS off-base?
Maybe there are millions. That part I may have gotten wrong. There are more people who believe in a creator than not. That includes Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians. Not to make the ahteists seem stupid but, there has to be a creator.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (ByblosHex @ Oct. 15 2004,7:51)]well sure.. but that means 98% of the world is insane and 2% isnt.
LOL, what?!?!

Don't you mean 98% are SANE and 2% are INSANE?

And how did it get to 2%? Are we shrinking?

Byblos you are a HOOT!

If you said, what I think you were trying to say, does that mean that Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, et al are just as sane as you because they believe in a higher power?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 15 2004,7:16)]LOL, sorry, but what an illogical argument.

Just because you are in the majority doesn't make you RIGHT.
I never said that since I am in the majority it makes me right.

Man you can twist words to your liking.

It is logical because the thought of no God IS illogical.

'I'm sure that this all just happened suddenly. Yep, without a doubt. No sign of a creator here.In fact, we are starting a new movment saying there is no greater power.'

That is an ignorant statement, and if anybody says that, they need to be eduacated.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]There are more people who believe in a creator than not. There are more people who believe in a creator than not.

Exactly how am I twisting your words? You said the above, that lead me to believe that you consider theology correct because the majority of the world thinks so. It's called an inference. If that's not what you meant, please clarify.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]It is logical because the thought of no God IS illogical.

What LOGICAL reasoning did you use to come to this conclusion?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]That is an ignorant statement, and if anybody says that, they need to be eduacated.

Why is that an ignorant statement? YOU are the one that is willing to believe in the unbelieveable. To believe in things which you have no PROOF for.

You seem to wallow under the impression that I don't believe in a God because I'm a stubborn SOB who will refuse to believe no matter what. I AM willing to believe. At this point in time, I simply have no REASON or PROOF or EVIDENCE to believe. Should I be confronted with such, my belief will change.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 16 2004,9:25)]Exactly how am I twisting your words?  You said the above, that lead me to believe that you consider theology correct because the majority of the world thinks so.  It's called an inference.  If that's not what you meant, please clarify.

What LOGICAL reasoning did you use to come to this conclusion?

Why is that an ignorant statement?  YOU are the one that is willing to believe in the unbelieveable.  To believe in things which you have no PROOF for.

You seem to wallow under the impression that I don't believe in a God because I'm a stubborn SOB who will refuse to believe no matter what.  I AM willing to believe.  At this point in time, I simply have no REASON or PROOF or EVIDENCE to believe.  Should I be confronted with such, my belief will change.
I never said that since the majority of the world believes in a creator it makes me right. I said that there is too much evidence that there is a creator that how can there not be one.

Logical reasoning huh. Let me tell you a little analogy. 'Imagine you are walking through a large field. Suddenly, you come upon a watch. It is a very rare watch, and intricately designed. You open it up and see the gearworks inside of it. Each is fit perfectly into place. Thinking about it a bit, you come to the conclusion there is no watchmaker for this. You believe that some dirt drifted together and created it after a long period of time. Others say to you that there is a watchmaker and each gear was designed specially. You say there's no evidence yet. No evidence of a watchmaker.'

I am believing in the believable! No PROOF! Read the Bible, the holy word of God and tell me if theres no proof. There is NO PROOF against a creator. Theres NOTHING that can prove there is no creator. That's where there is no proof.

If you want evidence, read the Bible. That's where you'll find truth and reason.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Rithkil @ Oct. 16 2004,11:16)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 16 2004,9:25)]Exactly how am I twisting your words?  You said the above, that lead me to believe that you consider theology correct because the majority of the world thinks so.  It's called an inference.  If that's not what you meant, please clarify.

What LOGICAL reasoning did you use to come to this conclusion?

Why is that an ignorant statement?  YOU are the one that is willing to believe in the unbelieveable.  To believe in things which you have no PROOF for.

You seem to wallow under the impression that I don't believe in a God because I'm a stubborn SOB who will refuse to believe no matter what.  I AM willing to believe.  At this point in time, I simply have no REASON or PROOF or EVIDENCE to believe.  Should I be confronted with such, my belief will change.
I never said that since the majority of the world believes in a creator it makes me right. I said that there is too much evidence that there is a creator that how can there not be one.

Logical reasoning huh. Let me tell you a little analogy. 'Imagine you are walking through a large field. Suddenly, you come upon a watch. It is a very rare watch, and intricately designed. You open it up and see the gearworks inside of it. Each is fit perfectly into place. Thinking about it a bit, you come to the conclusion there is no watchmaker for this. You believe that some dirt drifted together and created it after a long period of time. Others say to you that there is a watchmaker and each gear was designed specially. You say there's no evidence yet. No evidence of a watchmaker.'

I am believing in the believable! No PROOF! Read the Bible, the holy word of God and tell me if theres no proof. There is NO PROOF against a creator. Theres NOTHING that can prove there is no creator. That's where there is no proof.

If you want evidence, read the Bible. That's where you'll find truth and reason.'re reasoning is a bit flawed. While the probability of life and all it's complex systems spontaneously generating itself here on earth, it is not logical to use this as proof that there is a god. For, as they say, correlation does not denote causation.

I think the root of the problem here is misconceptions about atheism. People aren't atheist because they want to be, or to be different, or to rebel against common society. They are so because they genuinely have problems with theistic thinking and all it's implications. You say that there is 'no proof against the creator,' and yet this just is not so. Atheists become aware of these things and base their nonbelief upon them. They do NOT disbelieve arbitrarily.

The Bible is not evidence enough, as it was written, re-written, translated, editted, and interpereted all by human hands.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]'re reasoning is a bit flawed.  While the probability of life and all it's complex systems spontaneously generating itself here on earth, it is not logical to use this as proof that there is a god.  For, as they say, correlation does not denote causation.  

I think the root of the problem here is misconceptions about atheism.  People aren't atheist because they want to be, or to be different, or to rebel against common society.  They are so because they genuinely have problems with theistic thinking and all it's implications.  You say that there is 'no proof against the creator,' and yet this just is not so.  Atheists become aware of these things and base their nonbelief upon them.  They do NOT disbelieve arbitrarily.  

The Bible is not evidence enough, as it was written, re-written, translated, editted, and interpereted all by human hands.

Why is it flawed? Isn't that evidence enough? You say even though there is an intricate world here, you say that doesn't make evidence enough there is a God. What evidence do YOU have to support that.

There is no proof against a creator. If you think I'm wrong, give me one. I know that not all atheists don't believe because they are stubborn (though some do). But to say that there is no evidence for a God when it is right in front of them is ignorant.

Not evidence enough?  What do you stand on? If you say the Bible is not evidence enough, how is anything in the Bible reliable? Nothing is reliable if the Bible isn't reliable. How does anything remain constant? True, it has been changed to another language, but it hasn't been re-written. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree that the Bible does not have enough evidence.