You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

You know you play Guild Wars to much when you start debating what class Jesus was in Real Life....

and i've seen this discussion TO many times in Alliance chat.... stop it....
You know you play Guild Wars to much when you start debating what class Jesus was in Real Life....

and i've seen this discussion TO many times in Alliance chat....stop it....

Do those words mean anything? come on.... To many times have i heard that debate....

O, well... i guess. it is rather entertaining.
you know you HAVENT played GW too much when you go through withdrawls..

....when you randomly take screenshots of the forums... because you don't want to log on to GW... because you know if you do you'll be on for hours...
psh. Guild Wars sucks.
WoW is where it's at!

if your heart rate quickened, you played Guild Wars too much.

*woohoo.. calm down, Arch, it was just a joke. you were only making a joke*