You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

you know you play GW too much when....... you realize that the white mantel and the Mursaat were really the good guys!
sort of, better than mister lich, the whole human sacfricing thing makes me doubt their good intentions!
ok the white mantel had to sacrifice those chosen to keep the door of Komalie closed. the Shining Blade just didnt understand. they had good intentions that ended in bad things, the Shining Blade just thought that they were killing people. but lets remember what happened when the Lich opened the door? BOOM! TITANS OUT THE WAZOO! The White Mantel really understood what was going on and were trying to save the world, whereas the Shining Blade simply misunderstood. But wasn't it Glint that called the Mursaat evil in the first place? so where does that put her? in cohorts with the Lich? who knows!?
no, The white mantle worshiped the murrsaat. The mursaat were evil and demanded human sacfrices. the Lich took atvantage of the conflict between the white mantle and the shinning blade to earn the trust of the chossen (us) an d decieve us into opening the door. THe Lich and the leaders of the Mantle are evil.
.... and i sit here and twiddle my thumbs... loverly must be prophecies your talking about.... i just know i killed the Lich King and i killed Shiro twice lol i have no idea why really... but i guess thats what happens when you start reading a book 1/3rd of the way in... (still waits for money to come in so he can buy proph)
who is the seer, and why does she care, and where are her race? She floats and looks like a mursaat and the are so differnt from ALL the other characters in the game where so they come from.

in the proph manual it states about lions arch and the mursaat. but where do they fit into the grand scheme of things?
Heh, don't get me started.
"Plz dun say dat wurd kthxbai"
the seer is from an acient race that has always fought against the evil mursaat.
The mursaat are the false gods of the white mantle that demand human sacrifices.
the mursaat wanted to keep the door closed. that is why they had the Chosen killed and coated the volcano with "potent magic" that "even now, drains your powers". it is the question is a few good men worth thousands or thousands worth a few? it all about the personal value one has for human life.
who is the seer, and why does she care, and where are her race? She floats and looks like a mursaat and the are so differnt from ALL the other characters in the game where so they come from.

in the proph manual it states about lions arch and the mursaat. but where do they fit into the grand scheme of things?

I think she is a type of mursaat.... or maybe she is one of the last remaining "gods" (like grenth).... or maybe just a "holy" mursaat.
the seer is from an acient race that has always fought against the evil mursaat.
The mursaat are the false gods of the white mantle that demand human sacrifices.

So is the Seer in the end good? or evil?

The mursaat.... were.... "kinda" good. despite the mursaat wanted human sacrifice... they protected against the door being opened. Ok the mursaat were an ethical evil.... white mantle.... just minions of this evil. so what about the seer.... and what happend to Ascalon anyway? what will happen in the eyes of the North. Since ascalon was over run by the charr does that mean Eye's of the North is the story of trying to take down the evil charr... or is in the ancient.... ness of the game in how Grenth became... grenth... and all in the caticombs... an stuff......

I'm lost.... there is no air in here.... i'm lost.... dissy...... i have finals soon....