You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

you know you play GW too much when you say "gg and God Bless" after beating NPC's in PvP
United States | PC Gamer | 161 – May | April 3, 2007

If you know what that means.......then you've been playing too long.
is it true that the April 3 issue of PC Gamer includes a code for a new mini? you know you play too much GW when you buy 5 issues and resell 4 for double what you bought a month later
is it true that the April 3 issue of PC Gamer includes a code for a new mini? you know you play too much GW when you buy 5 issues and resell 4 for double what you bought a month later

thats not a bad idea...
It'll be funny to see just how many of these remain on the shelves. The first time they did this, no one knew about it.

I hope it's not too much of a demand...I gotta get two :)
When you have actually seen this message pop up...

You have been playing for 1 day. Please take a break.


When try to log on to your computer with your guild wars password.


When you see this avatar...


and think...Oh God plays Warrior...maybe I should try that profession.


When you have a seperate web browser just for GW research, and its home page is the guild wiki.


When you look at your husband in all seriousness and say... "I can't find any time to get anything done anymore" and then type /age and read that you've spent 300 hrs 51 min. over 40 days. And yes that is with a FT job.

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You know youve played guild wars to much when you start screaming "WTF!!!!! WTUC!!!! OMG!!!!!' when you're not blonde.

Article II: Rights of Members

right 2. n. that which is morally right; that to which one is morally or legally entitled

Members, while playing against/with other members, have the right to a game free of cheating, profanity, and verbal hostility. Members have the right to fellowship with other Christians. Other rights, specific to a particular chapter, are at the discretion of the administration of that chapter.

Ok least favorite part of my job as an officer. OMG, and WTF in any form can be read as profanity offending some people. So please don't use it in chat or the forums.

Kel Queen of all Europe