You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

You know you play too much GW when your with your GW friends and you from a Party of 8 to go hiking and everyone chose a class.

True Story as Paul and Dea! Whom I must say are he coolest people in the world! As my mom said they are a cute couple! All you have to do is spend 10 Minutes with them to realize how special they are and how much they are in love! Was so Cool! I hope if/when I get married my Marraige is a cross between Paul and Dea's and My parents! Two great examples. BTW you would think they had been married months not years lol. Dea I loved the random tackling of Paul lol was funny to watch you both. More marriages need to copy the love/fun that you two share! I cannot wait to visit you guys!

Dredd... have you ever considered professional help. haha, just kidding. that sounds kinda funny. haha.
We visited Dredd's family in Colorado. AND had a blast; they are so nice! As is Sherman and his sibs...

True story on the profession thing. I, of course, chose mesmer. We also told everyone to remember their rez. :) But we didn't need even one rez, 'cause Dredd and Sherman know what they are doing. (Technically, we were a party of nine, but Sherman's brother is only eight and counts as a pet...)

Too bad we didn't bring a Ward against Sunburn. Sherman and I could have used it...
lol...his 8 year old brother counts as a pet...on a completely random note, it'd be awesome if you could dye your char's hair
We visited Dredd's family in Colorado. AND had a blast; they are so nice! As is Sherman and his sibs...

True story on the profession thing. I, of course, chose mesmer. We also told everyone to remember their rez. :) But we didn't need even one rez, 'cause Dredd and Sherman know what they are doing. (Technically, we were a party of nine, but Sherman's brother is only eight and counts as a pet...)

Too bad we didn't bring a Ward against Sunburn. Sherman and I could have used it...
:) love it!
you know you play GW too much when you go see fireworks and start to yell all the corresponding ele skills. (which i did)
They had Blue Jolly Rancher soda at one party i went to for the 4th...reminded me of the Sugary Blue Drink from GW
sorry, blue drinks remind me of windex.
True story: My dad once cleaned out a Windex bottle really, really well and poured in Nehi Blue Cream Soda. Then he walked up to his grandmother carrying the bottle and started talking to her. Then he casually sprayed "Windex" in his mouth, and acted confused when she got upset. Once it died down and she realized he had pulled a prank on her...well, he was in just a bit of trouble. :)