You know when you played Guild Wars too much when...

something about GW? you know you play GW too much when.....your motivation for doing well in school is so that you dont become a garbage man in Cantha!
Lol, Joey and Grawl DO NOT mix well. nor do Devourer popups.. or well.. just about anything save us! :p
you know you play GW too much if you've ever dreamt about it

(that was a wierd dream o.0 it had Jesus in it and like 18957018295 people were standing around and we were all GW characters... i was standing watching jesus and then all those people came up and attacked him and i was like "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" so I charged to defend him and the dream ended. o.0)
my dreams have never ended when i'm supposed to die..... usually problems happen and i get over them and they end when happily ever after is supposed to start >.>

the best part of the dream is always cut short

i used to have dreams about tornadoes and the tornado would pass and i would come out of my hiding or w/e and i would end after it passed and i was safe...

You know you've played GW too much if you talk about it with your parents or friends who don't play it.
You know when you play GWs too much when you start watching .Hack and you firstly know what the heck is going on even if you start half way through the season and secondly insert GWs like things into the show.
yep.. Dea plays GW too much. CEPT U DIDNT VISIT UR MINION!!!! >_<
You know you play too much GW when your with your GW friends and you from a Party of 8 to go hiking and everyone chose a class.

True Story as Paul and Dea! Whom I must say are he coolest people in the world! As my mom said they are a cute couple! All you have to do is spend 10 Minutes with them to realize how special they are and how much they are in love! Was so Cool! I hope if/when I get married my Marraige is a cross between Paul and Dea's and My parents! Two great examples. BTW you would think they had been married months not years lol. Dea I loved the random tackling of Paul lol was funny to watch you both. More marriages need to copy the love/fun that you two share! I cannot wait to visit you guys!