Why haven't we designated a Christian server yet?


Tribe of Judah Guild Wars Chapter Leader
Reading about what servers people are going to be playing on and saw a handful of people seeking out and planning to play on the designated LGBT server. It made me wonder why the LGBT community is organized and coherent enough to claim a server for their own yet we have yet to claim a server for Christ? To be frank, I'm a little very upset that this has slipped my mind until now.

With that, we are going to designate a Christian server. But I do not want this to be an LoE thing. I want as many Christian guilds as possible on board. I have been weary of the idea of an Alliance, mainly that from a guild leader's point of view, it kind of undermines my point. Yet that thinking is so far from what I should be thinking. For that I apologize. I also will be trying to get as many Christian guilds together on one server to make a Christian Alliance that will be a blessing for you, for me, and most importantly, for our King.

If you have any contact information with Christian guilds in GW2 please post here, PM me, email, call me, carrier swallow (African, not European), whatever. We have work to do.
Wow very interesting. By putting it out there it will really change the dynamic of the server. The actual witness factor might go down but the chance to encourage brothers and sisters and maybe shore up some that are riding the fence might go through the roof. I could see this getting a lot of flack and press and drama. I love the idea!

Atheists will know what server to stay away from (obviously trolls will flock but w/e) and those wanting a family friendly experience will pour in.
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Okay, so...

What other Christian guilds are there?
What servers are these other Christian guilds planning on calling 'home'?

As far as family-friendly, so far the only one I know that might be 'friendly' would be Sanctum of Rall. All the others so far seem like your typical gaming servers with the full mix of 'colorful personalities' to boot.
Currently yes, but if we got enough publicity to make it known we were claiming a server for Christ, that server will become the new Family-friendly server.
Im having troubling finding other Christian guilds besides SOLA, 3G, and one or two more. Even more trouble finding what servers they are on. Ewoks, would you mind running this by your guys and seeing what they think? I know you guys were thinking about Rall. Is that where we want to make our stand?
CoR is part of the MiLK Alliance. I have already made a post on the MiLK forums and have gotten one guild leader to give a favorable response, provided that we are able to actually settle on a server. Their alliance leader hasn't said anything yet, but I don't think they would object if/when we actually come to a decision to make X server the unofficial Christian server.
LION is the only other Christian guild that I know about. AJ has been actively chatting with Ursen and I. I don't know how big LION is at this point but I got the impression they were planning on following LOE to whichever server we chose.
Perfect! I hadn't gotten around to LION yet, but I'm encouraged to hear that they are on board, even if accidentally :p

I've contacted the MiLK Alliance, Christian Crew, Saints 3G (Saints of the Old Republic), and SOLA. One response so far from a guild leader in MiLK: tentative yes.
I wish we had an easy way for every GW2 Christian guild to contact each other...

Do you think they all have facebook accounts?

(Not sure if facebook is outdated yet and I sound old and out of touch.)

I was thinking a facebook group (maybe temporary) where each alliance or guild leader could discuss some of this and organize the Christian community together. You could keep us informed on the progress STC.

I'm seriously pumped about this idea. :)
Just to interject, it would make sense to eventually have a website dedicated to this subject just like you said a facebook page would be a good idea too. Something that would be a central hub for the unofficial Christian Server
My thoughts exactly Elhanan and Tarsis. In a sense it would be a mini-ToJ or CGA or CC, dedicated to GW2. I hadn't thought of Facebook, it might be a good place to start, but I was thinking that a website would be necessary in the near future. The first night I thought of it I had trouble sleeping because my mind was overclocked with ideas. Just think, if we get enough guilds together, there could be a bible study every day. If you can't make LoE's because of work or an event, no worries, there'll be one the next day, and the day after, and the day after that. If you want to PvP but your guild's PvP team is offline, no worries, there's probably a team that'll get together in an hour or two. Need to finish a dungeon? There's probably going to be a guild event in the next day or so that can get it done.

This fits perfectly with the idea that Anet had for GW2, a dynamic, real-time, massive community. The potential is through the roof right now. Please pray with me that we find favor with other communities and that guild leaders are open to the idea. If GW2 is going to be the MMO that most people think it'll turn into, we have a shot at being one of the highlight communities in it. City on a hill? Try server on a hill!
I am in the process of contacting the leader of gaisgioch to feel then out on if us claiming sanctum of rall would be welcome or offensive.

Since that is a special case server I wanted to respect them and bring it up first.
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I am in the process of contacting the leader of gaisgioch to feel then out on if us claiming sanctum of rall would be welcome or offensive.

Since that is a special case server I wanted to respect them and bring it up first.

Thank you Ewoks. I was feeling too well when I thought about Sanctum of Rall and was a bit reserved about declaring for it. If we get a green light from Gaisgioch I think my spirit would be much more at ease. Thanks for thinking of it and taking the initiative. The ball is officially rolling!
I would have to echo that for a Christian gathering, Rall seems the most likely place to converge. I think SOTOR/Saints 3G is intending to be on one of the servers with the name "Divine" in it I believe I read. I personally voted for Crystal Desert for the WvW presences, but since we are a Christian community, it would be more likely we would meet up on a specific "unofficial Christian" server.

I liked how Thunderhorn (server) in WoW had a lot of Christian guilds on it. Made the server much more tolerable in terms of trade/general chat, and more opportunities to raid/party with like-minded fellows.
As it stands now:

Saints 3G is on board and currently server-less (there's was deleted for BWE3), Saints of Lion's Arch is working with me to see if we can find a server together, Signet of the [LION] was going to follow LoE to whatever server they chose before this discussion began, MiLK Alliance seems to be agreeable, Christian Crew isn't against the idea, but have decided on Sorrow's Furnace as their server, however me and a guild leader from MiLK are trying to persuade them to switch, largely because SF is one of the top 3 most populated servers already.

I think if we can get permission from Giasgioch and set Rall as our server within the next day, we have a very good shot at making this a reality.